
Kurdish-inhabited areas

Language Kurdish
Location Upper Mesopotamia, and the Zagros Mountains, including parts of southeastern Anatolia, northern Syria, northern Iraq, and the northwestern Iranian Plateau.[1]

Northern Kurdistan Western Kurdistan Southern Kurdistan Eastern Kurdistan

Area (est.) 190,000–390,000 km²

74,000–151,000 sq. mi

Population 28 million (2014 estimate)[2]
Internet TLD .krd

The earliest medieval attestation of the toponym Kurdistan is found in a 12th-century Armenian historical text by Matteos Urhayeci. He described a battle near Amid and Siverek in 1062 as to have taken place in Kurdistan.[3][4] The second record occurs in the prayer from the colophon of an Armenian manuscript of the Gospels, written in 1200.[5][6]


  1. ^ "Kurdistan – Definitions from Dictionary.com". Erişim tarihi: 2007-10-21. 
  2. ^ A rough estimate by the CIA Factbook has populations of 14.5 million in Turkey, 6 million in Iran, about 5 to 6 million in Iraq, and less than 2 million in Syria, which adds up to close to 28 million Kurds living in these countries (i.e. in Kurdistan proper and in other parts of the states comprising the area taken together).
  3. ^ Matt'eos Urhayec'i, (Armenian)Ժամանակագրություն (Chronicle), ed. by M. Melik-Adamyan et al., Erevan, 1991. (p.156)
  4. ^ G. Asatrian, Prolegomena to the Study of the Kurds, Iran and the Caucasus, Vol.13, pp.1–58, 2009. (see p.19)
  5. ^ A.S. Mat'evosyan, Colophons of the Armenian Manuscripts, Erevan, 1988. (p.307)
  6. ^ G. Asatrian, Prolegomena to the Study of the Kurds, Iran and the Caucasus, Vol.13, pp.1–58, 2009. (p.20)

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