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Bu yazıdaki tüm mavi kelimeleri tıklayıp okuduğunuzdan emin olun. Şimdi Cesur olun ve Suya atlayın. İyi Vikiler. ᕓikiolog ♥෴ 12.22, 7 Mayıs 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla



GROUP THINKINGING THEORISTS AND RECENT CURRENT STUDIES • Social Identity Theory: Henri Tajfel and John C. By turner studies conducted in the 1970s were subsequently put forward.

  • Tajfel and Turner Muzafer Sherif's Realistic Conflict Theory (Realistic Conflict Theory) or Realistic Group Conflict (Realistic They were testing the theory known as Group Conflict Theory

Tajfel and Turner in those years, in the early 1960s, a man named Brown and experimental program created by the researcher for different purposes they were conducting various experiments using the paradigm.

  • “Minimal Group Paradigm”- Henri Tajfel and Et.Al
 Participants are divided into two groups according to a socially insignificant criterion.They are assigned in an unselected (random) manner and assigned to both their own groups and resource transfers for the other group are examined
  • Muzaffer Şerif- Realistic Group Conflict Theory

The Decimation of negative attitudes (biases) between groups He suggests that it is a consequence of competition on resources.From this point of view, he emphasized that groups do not change their Decency and attitudes much to pursue their own interests, but noted that the goals that everyone wants, but which any group cannot achieve with its own resources and power, will reduce the conflict between groups.

 For the details of the relationship between social identity and group thinking: Hogg, M. A. (1996). "Social identity theory." The Blackmell encyclopedia ofsocial psychology.(Der.) A. S. R. Manstead ve Hevvstone,M. Oxford: Blackvvell. 55-65.

Hogg, M. A. ve Abrams, D. (1988). Social identifications: A social psychology ofintergroup relations and group processes.London ve New York: Routledge. Hogg, M. A. ve Abrams, D. (1990). "Social motivation, self-esteem and socialidentity." Social identity theory:Constructive and critical advances. (Der.) D. Abrams ve M. A. Hogg. London:Harvester VVheat Sheaf. 28-47

 Sosyal psikoloji kitabı kaynakça
Hogg, M. A. ve Vaughan, G. M. (1995). Social psychology: An introduction. London:Prentice Hail
 A "mental unity" in society he says that there is, and that this unity is also the sum of the minds of the individuals who make up society. The mind of society is the mind of individuals the mind of individuals is also the mind of society. The group mind is not different or superior to the minds of the individuals in that group.
Janıs’s Groupthink refers to the tendency for people in groups to suppress contrary opinions because of the belief that high performing groups must reach a consensus. This suppression can prevent a group from considering alternative options and lead to sub-optimal decisions, which may have disastrous consequences. In textbooks, groupthink is attributed to Irving Janis, regarded as one of the most eminent psychologists of the last century (Haggbloom et al., 2002).

Janis (1971) developed his groupthink concept, a term inspired by George Orwell’s (1949) dystopian novel 1984,

 ( GEORGE ORWELL’S 1984: İt is a nightmare scenario of the author about the future. A totalitarian world order in which individuality is destroyed, the mind is controlled, people are transformed into mechanized masses is constructed to the smallest detail with an incredible imagination in the novel.)

What Irving Janis's reviews have in common :members of a group who devote themselves to something create illusions, developing a spirit of unity, and they do it without realizing it. 1.An illusion of invulnerability that encourages excessive risk taking; 2. Collective rationalization of evidence; 3.A belief in the inherent morality of the group; 4.Stereotyping of outsiders

5.Direct pressure on dissenters


7.A shared illusion of unanimity

8. Self-appointed ‘mindguards’ who maintain the apparent consensus


https://3zprint-msk.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/gruppovoe-myshlenie_5.pdf 14th (2015) Newstrom ‘One of the most convincing criticisms of meetings is that they often lead to conformity and compromise. This tendency of a tightly knit group to bring individual thinking in line with the group’s thinking is called groupthink, or the leveling effect . . . Groupthink can be detected by watching for some of its classic symptoms, which include: Self-censorship of critical thoughts . . . One effective method of reducing or preventing groupthink is to legitimize the role of a devil’s advocate for each meeting [A further,] broader approach – red teaming – is used by the C.I.A. Janis IL (1971) Groupthink. Psychology Today 26(November): 43–46, 74–76. Janis IL (1972) Victims of Groupthink. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Lin J. Science, Politics, and Groupthink [Health Matters]. IEEE Microwave Magazine, Microwave Magazine, IEEE, IEEE Microwave. 2021;22(5):24-26. doi:10.1109/MMM.2021.3056975 UUPSYCH026 (mesaj) 14.56, 6 Mayıs 2022 (UTC)Yanıtla