

'Barış Tuluz(1992-?) was born in 1992 in Wan from Turkey.He is the second son of his family .His city one of the famous one in the world because of that he seted most of his film in this beautiful city also he wrote his nowels next to the coast of wan lake while smoking his puro and drinking his kaçak tea.When he was 8 year old .He been in a organization which was given in his first school.He toke a role of king and showed his performance.All of the lecturers and students were watching him with admiration.After than his manager called him as a superstar.He was a fucking stubborn guy so he toke lesson in Wan school of actors and He created his firt movie in 2007.The name of the film was the a guys who is in love with nothing.This film was criticized by some critics and the cabinet.Because the main idea of the film was about a guys who love a girl and that girl was a daugter of the president .But he was a socialist guy so there was a differentation between baris and the system.So by the wish of the president ,Barış exiled to the lithuania,So his life in turkey ended .He created his new life in lithuania.And in lithuania He played in a lot movie .Most of them are really famous.Everbody around the world knows him as a superstar.Somebody says He is the second actor after Brad pitt but for someone He is the best.Now he is the richest man in the lithuania,Everyday you can see him in basement and dejavu as drank(as always )...

                His Nowels :

• A world without human • Butterflies • who am I

           His Movies

• A Guy who is in love with nothing • A day in universe • A serious man • Erasmus life