Şablon:İzotop bilgi kutusu/belge

İzotop bilgi kutusu/belge
[[Dosya:image name, without leading Image: - see Tritium for example|250px]]

image caption

İzotoplar tablosu İzotop bilgi kutusu/belge,{{{kütle_numarası}}}{{{sembol}}}
Nötronlar {{{num_nötron}}}
Protonlar {{{num_proton}}}
Nuclide data
Doğal bolluk Natural abundance, with units (e.g. 98.5%, 1 part per million)
Parent isotopes mass number of parent isotopechemical symbolŞablon:Infobox isotope/Decay
mass number of parent isotopechemical symbolŞablon:Infobox isotope/Decay
Decay products mass number of decay productchemical symbol
İzotop ağırlığı mass in Unified atomic mass unit u
Spin Spin
Excess energy excess energy in KeV± error in keV keV
Binding energy binding energy in KeV± error in keV keV
Decay mode Decay energy
decay mode energy in MeV Elektronvolt
decay mode energy in MeV MeV
decay mode energy in MeV MeV
decay mode energy in MeV MeV

Copy and paste this code to add an infobox, completing the fields as per the explanation below, selecting the appropriate background colour from the chart on the right. You can delete those lines you do not need, or leave them in for future editors to complete.

Background colour
Code Halflife
#EEE <1 day
#C9F 1–10 days
#6CF 10–100 days
#6FD 100d–10 years
#7F7 10–10,000 years
#FF6 10k–103m years
#FC6 >700m years
#F99 Stable

{{Infobox isotope

| alternate_names =
| symbol =
| mass_number =
| mass =
| num_neutrons =
| num_protons =
| abundance =
| halflife =
| error_halflife =
| background =
| text_color =
| image =
| image_caption = image caption
| decay_product =
| decay_symbol =
| decay_mass =
| decay_mode1 =
| decay_energy1 =
| decay_mode2 =
| decay_energy2 =
| decay_mode3 =
| decay_energy3 =
| decay_mode4 =
| decay_energy4 =
| parent =
| parent_symbol =
| parent_mass =
| parent_decay =
| parent2 =
| parent2_symbol =
| parent2_mass =
| parent2_decay =
| spin =
| excess_energy =
| error1 =
| binding_energy =
| error2 =


The following code is for information only. Filling out the template as below will produce the infobox shown on the right.

{{Infobox isotope|

| background = background colour (e.g. #999999 = grey)
| text_color = likewise
| image = image name, without leading Image:
| image_caption = image caption
| alternate_names = Alternate names
| mass_number = atomic mass
| symbol = chemical symbol (e.g. C)
| num_neutrons = number of neutrons
| num_protons = number of protons
| abundance = Natural abundance, with units (e.g. 98.5%, 1 part per million
| halflife = λ
| error_halflife = error
| decay_element = decay product
| decay_mass = mass number of decay product
| decay_symbol = chemical symbol
| parent = parent isotope, full name. In form element-123 for wikilink.
| parent_mass = mass number of parent isotope
| parent_symbol = chemical symbol
| parent_decay = decay method
| parent_mass = mass number of parent isotope
| parent2 = Parent-2
| parent_2symbol = chemical symbol
| parent_2decay = a
| mass = mass in Unified atomic mass unit
| spin = Spin
| excess_energy = excess energy in KeV
| error1 = error in keV
| binding_energy = binding energy in KeV
| error2 = error in keV
| decay_mode1 = decay mode
| decay_energy1 = energy in MeV
| decay_mode2 = decay mode
| decay_energy2 = energy in MeV
| decay_mode3 = decay mode
| decay_energy3 = energy in MeV
| decay_mode4 = decay mode
| decay_energy4 = energy in MeV