Sosyal liberalizm: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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İçerik silindi İçerik eklendi
düzeltme AWB ile
31. satır:
* [[Jeremy Bentham]]<ref name="adams"/> (1748–1832)
* [[John Stuart Mill]]<ref name="richardson"/><ref name="adams"/><ref name="cardosorosas">{{CiteWeb webkaynağı|last=Cardoso Rosas |first=João |year=2008 |url= |title=Socialismo ou liberalismo social? | |accessdate=2008-05-21 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=15 January 2009 }}</ref><ref name="bresser-pereira">{{Cite book| last = [[Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira]] | authorlink = | title = Building the Republican State | publisher = Oxford University Press | year = 2003 | location = Oxford | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 9780199261185 }}</ref> (1806–1873)
* [[Thomas Hill Green]]<ref name="richardson"/><ref name="adams"/><ref name="liberalhistory"/><ref name="newliberalism" /><ref name="liberalinternational">{{Web kaynağı | url = | title = James Hobson | accessdate = 2008-05-19 | arşivurl = | arşivtarihi = 3 Mart 2016}}</ref> (1836–1882)
* [[Lester Frank Ward]] (1841–1913)
53. satır:
* [[Isaiah Berlin]]<ref name="modern" /> (1909–1997)
* [[Norberto Bobbio]]<ref name="bresser-pereira" /><ref name="modern"/> (1909–2004)
* [[Miguel Reale]]<ref name="jornalusp">{{CiteWeb webkaynağı|url= |title=Espaço Cultural Miguel Reale |accessdate=2009-04-05 |year=2000 |work=Jornal da Universidade de São Paulo |publisher=[[Universidade de São Paulo]] |language=Portuguese |archiveurl= |archivedate=2007-08-25 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book| last = Reale | first = Miguel | authorlink = Miguel Reale | title = Crise do capitalismo e crise do Estado | publisher = Senac | year = 2000 | location = São Paulo | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 9788573591415 |language=Portuguese}}</ref> (1910–2005)
* [[John Rawls]]<ref name="adams"/><ref name="cardosorosas"/><ref name="liberalhistory2">{{Dergi kaynağı|author=Watson, Graham |title=The Two Davids |journal=Journal of Liberal Democrat History |date=Spring 1998 |url= |format=PDF}}</ref><ref name="vincentandrew">{{Cite book| last = Vincent | first = Andrew | title = The Nature of Political Theory | publisher = Oxford University Press | year = 2007 | location = Oxford | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 9780199297955 }}</ref> (1921–2002)
* [[Don Chipp]]<ref name="australiademocrats">{{Web kaynağı | url = | title = The Third Team: A brief history of the Australian Democrats after 30 years | accessdate = 2009-04-05 | author1 = Paul Aron | author2 = Luke Miller | year = 2007 | format = PDF | publisher = Australian Democrats | arşivurl = | arşivtarihi = 19 Mart 2012}}</ref> (1925–2006)