Bizans İç Savaşı (1352-1357): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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29. satır:
== Arkaplan ==
1341-1347 ihtilafının ardından [[VI. İoannis]] kendisini genç [[V. İoannis]]'un üst düzey imparatoru ve öğretmeni olarak yerleştirmişti.<ref>{{Harvnb|Nicol|1993|p=210}}</ref> Bununla birlikte, bu durumun sürmesi pek mümkün değildi; [[Paleologos Hanedanı|Palaiologoi]] destekçileri onu hala güvenmiyorken kendi partizanları Palaiologoi'yi tamamen tahttan indirip ve Kantakouzenoi'yi hâkim hanedan olarak getrimeyi tercih ediyorlardı. Kantakouzenos'un büyük oğlu Matheos da V. İoannis'in lehine tercihten öfkeliydi ve yeni Batı Trakya bölgesini kapsayan yarı özerk bir tımar olup aynı zamanda [[Sırp İmparatorluğu|Sırp İmparatoru]] [[Stefan Dušan]]'a karşı hudut görevi gören bölgenin kurulması ile gönlü alımalıydı.<ref>{{Harvnb|Nicol|1993|pp=215–216}}; {{Harvnb|Fine|1994|pp=308–309, 321–322}}</ref>
In the aftermath of the 1341–1347 conflict, John VI Kantakouzenos had established himself as senior emperor and tutor over the young John V Palaiologos.<ref>{{Harvnb|Nicol|1993|p=210}}</ref> This state of affairs however was not destined to last; supporters of the [[Palaiologos|Palaiologoi]] still distrusted him, while his own partisans would have preferred to depose the Palaiologoi outright and install the Kantakouzenoi as the reigning dynasty. Kantakouzenos' eldest son, Matthew, also resented being passed over in favour of John V, and had to be placated with the creation of a semi-autonomous [[appanage]] covering much of western Thrace, which doubled as a [[march (territory)|march]] against the new [[Serbian Empire]] of [[Stephen Dushan]].<ref>{{Harvnb|Nicol|1993|pp=215–216}}; {{Harvnb|Fine|1994|pp=308–309, 321–322}}</ref>
Doğu Trakya'yı yöneten Matheos Kantakouzenos ile Batı Trakya'da ikamet eden V. İoannis arasındaki istikrarı bozan ilişkiler, iç savaşın yeniden başlatılması için tohum ekti.
Steadily deteriorating relations between Matthew Kantakouzenos, who now ruled eastern Thrace, and John V Palaiologos, who resided in western Thrace, sowed the seeds for the resumption of the civil war.
== The warSavaş ==
Open warfare broke out in 1352, when John V, supported by Venetian and Turkish troops, launched an attack on Matthew Kantakouzenos. John Kantakouzenos came to his son's aid with 10,000 Ottoman troops who retook the cities of Thrace, liberally plundering them in the process. In October 1352, at Demotika, the Ottoman force [[Battle of Demotika|met and defeated]] 4,000 Serbs provided to John V by Dushan.<ref>{{Harvnb|Fine|1994|pp=325–326}}; {{harvnb|Soulis|1984|pp=49–51}}; {{Harvnb|Treadgold|1997|pp=775–776}}</ref> This was the Ottomans' first victory in Europe and an ominous portent. Two years later their [[Fall of Gallipoli|capture]] of [[Gallipoli]] marked the beginning of the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans, culminating a century later in the [[Fall of Constantinople]].<ref>{{Harvnb|Fine|1994|p=326}}</ref> Meanwhile, John V fled to the island of [[Tenedos]], from where he made an unsuccessful attempt to seize Constantinople in March 1353.
John VI Kantakouzenos responded by having Matthew crowned as co-emperor, but John V Palaiologos, enlisting Genoese support and relying on the declining popularity of Kantakouzenos, succeeded in entering the capital in November 1354. John VI Kantakouzenos abdicated and retired to a monastery. Matthew held out in Thrace making war upon the Serbs in 1356. Then Matthew gathered an army of 5,000 Turks and marched on Serres the Serbian held capital of John Ugleisha. [[Stephen Uroš V of Serbia|Stephen Urosh V]] whose mother also ruled at Serres decided to raise an army to defend his mother and in 1357 when Matthew and his Turks attacked, The Serbian army under Vojin The Count of Drama (a major fortress in that vicinity)came to the rescue and the Turks were defeated and Matthew captured and held hostage until his ransom was paid by the Emperor John V Palaiologos who was now the sole master of a [[rump state]]. Matthew was allowed to go to the Morea and reign there with his brother Manuel.<ref>{{Harvnb|Fine|1994|pp=326–327}}; {{Harvnb|Treadgold|1997|pp=775–778}}</ref>
== Sonuç ==
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