Toprak reformu: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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8. satır:
Tarihsel olarak toprak reformu yapılmasını tetikleyen en önemli baskı unsurlarından biri vergiden muaf bireylerin ya da oluşumların giderek önemli miktarda araziye sahip olmasıdır. [[Hıristiyanlık|Hıristiyan]] dünyasında bu kiliseler ve manastırlar için böyle olmuştur. [[Müslüman]] dünyasında ise 718 yılında [[İspanya]]'da Hürr bin Abdurrahman tarafından müslümanlardan alınan toprak vergi alınan hristiyanlara dağıtılmıştır.
Çağımızda, [[Sömürgecilik|sömürgeciliğin]] ve [[Sanayi Devrimi]]'nin ardından dünya üzerinde çeşitli yerlerde toprak reformu yapılmıştır: 1910 yılında başlayan ve 1917'de yapılan [[Meksika Devrimi]]'nden [[Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti|Komünist Çin]]'e, [[Bolivya]]'dan (1952, 2006) [[Zimbabwe]] ve [[Namibya]]'ya kadar değişik zaman ve yerlerde. Toprak reformu özellikle [[Afrika]] ve [[Araplar (halk)|Arap]] dünyasında sömürgeciliğin izlerini silmek için çok popüler bir yöntemdi ve [[Afrika sosyalizmi]] ile [[Arap sosyalizmi]]nin programı içinde yer alıyordu. Latin Amerika'daki en eksiksiz toprak reformu [[Küba]]'da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toprak reformu [[II. Dünya Savaşı]] sonrası dönemin [[Üçüncü Dünya]] ülkeleri arasında ekonomik kalkınmayı sağlamak için önemli adımlardan biri olmuştur. Buna [[Doğu Asya Kaplanları]]'nı ve "Kaplan yavrusu" ülkeleri sayabiliriz: [[Tayvan]], [[Güney Kore]] ve [[Malezya]] gibi.
[[Çin]]'in ekonomik reformları [[Deng Xiaoping]] tarafından yönetildiğinden beri [[[Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti]]'ndede tekrar büyük toprak sahiplerinin ve topraksız köylülerin ortaya çıkmasında toprak reformları önemli bir rol oynamıştır.
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74. satır:
=== Europe ===
*[[Finland]]: In 1918, Finland fought a [[Finnish Civil War|civil war]] resulting in a series of land reforms. These included the compensated transfer of lease-holdings (''torppa'') to the leasers and prohibition of forestry companies to acquire land. After the [[Second World War]], [[Carelia]]ns evacuated from areas ceded to Russia were given land in remaining Finnish areas, taken from public and private holdings. Also the veterans of war benefited from these allotments.
*[[FranceFransa]]: a major and lasting land reform took place under the [[French Directory|Directory]] during the latter phases of the [[French Revolution]].
*[[Estonia]] and [[Latvia]]: at their founding as states in 1918–1919, they expropriate the large estates of [[Baltic German]] landowners, much of which became smallholdings.
*[[HungaryMacaristan]]: In 1945 every estate bigger than 142 acres was expropriated without compensation and distributed among the peasants. In the 1950s collective ownership was introduced according to the Soviet model, but after 1990 co-ops were dissolved and the land was redistributed among private smallholders.
*[[Ireland]]: after the [[Irish Famine]], land reform became the dominant issue in Ireland, where almost all of the land was owned by the [[England|English]] aristocracy. The [[Irish Parliamentary Party]] campaigned for this in a largely indifferent [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|British]] [[House of Commons]]. Reform began tentatively in 1870 and continued for fifty years.
*[[PolandPolonya]]: there have been several land reforms in Poland. The most important include [[Land reforms in the Second Polish Republic|Land reforms]] in the [[Second Polish Republic]] (1919, 1921, 1923, 1925 and 1928) and [[Land reform in the People's Republic of Poland|Land reform]] (1944) in the [[People's Republic of Poland]].
*[[Romania]]: After failed attempts at land reform by [[Mihail Kogălniceanu]] in the years immediately after Romanian unification in 1863, a major land reform finally occurred in 1921.
**[[Imperial Russia]]: [[Stolypin reform]]
**[[Bolshevist Russia]]: [[Decree on Land]]
93. satır:
=== North America ===
*[[Canada]]: A land reform was carried out as part of [[Prince Edward Island]]'s agreement to join the [[Canadian confederation]] in the 1870s. Most of the land was owned by [[absentee landlords]] in England, and as part of the deal Canada was to buy all the land and give them to the farmers.
*[[UnitedAmerika StatesBirleşik of AmericaDevletleri]]: Native Americans living in several [[Indian reservation]]s across the country are working to reclaim or recover their lands that were lost from [[Forced Fee Patenting]] and other Federal programs that alienated them from their legally allotted lands.
**Native Americans living on several [[Indian reservation]]s across the country are working to reclaim their lands from the Federal [[Bureau of Indian Affairs]] leasing program, which leases these lands to mostly non-tribal farmers and ranchers. Many of these lands were put into the program against the will of their legal allottees and/or legal heirs who were declared "incompetent" to manage their own affairs. There exists very few records on how the classification of "competency" or "non-competency" was determined by the [[Competency Commissions]] that existed on Native American Reservations prior to the 1934 [[Indian Reorganization Act]].
**[[Minnesota]]:"The mission of the [[White Earth Land Recovery Project]] is to facilitate recovery of the original land base of the White Earth Indian Reservation, while preserving and restoring traditional practices of sound land stewardship, language fluency, community development, and strengthening our spiritual and cultural heritage (WELRP)."
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