Kurgusal vampirler listesi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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932. satır:
* Will Clarke (''[[Young Dracula]]'')
* William Herrick (''[[Being human (2008)|İnsan]]'')
* William Pratt (Bu şüpheli, yaratıcısı [[Joss Whedon]] olabilir. şaka. William Pratt oldu gerçek adı [[Boris Karloff]]; ama canon adı [[Spike (Buffy evreni)|Spike]] [bakınız].<ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.thecultden.com/2014/04/joss-whedon-day-seven-seasons-of-spike.html | author = Omand, Susan | date = April 5, 2014 | title = Joss Whedon Day - The Seven Seasons of Spike | publisher = The Cult Den | accessdate = May 4, 2014 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20140505015229/http://www.thecultden.com/2014/04/joss-whedon-day-seven-seasons-of-spike.html | arşivtarihi = 5 Mayıs 2014}}</ref><ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.comicvine.com/spike/4005-20126/ | author = | date = | title = Spike | publisher = [[Whiskey Media#Comic Vine|Comic Vine]] | accessdate = May 4, 2014 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20150225092707/http://www.comicvine.com:80/spike/4005-20126/ | arşivtarihi = 25 Şubat 2015}}</ref><ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = http://voices.yahoo.com/the-top-5-supporting-characters-joss-whedon-tv-5520575.html | author = Cruise, Roland | date = February 22, 2010 | title = The Top 5 Supporting Characters in a Joss Whedon TV Series | publisher = Yahoo | accessdate = May 4, 2014 | arşivengelli = evet}}</ref>)
* [[Willow Rosenberg|Willow Rosenberg (Wishverse, Vampir Willow)]] (''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' bölüm "[[Doppelgängland|Doppelgangland]]", "[[The Wish|Dilek]]")