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Koç University Suna Kıraç Library Koç University Suna Kıraç Library, a library which began as part of Koç University (KU) in 1993. Located on the university's campus in Rumelifeneri, the library is the management and coordination center of other libraries and library services within the institution. The library, which serves in a structure of 8,300 square meters consisting of four floors, has a seating capacity of 915 people. It takes its name from business person Suna Kıraç. History: Suna Kıraç Library was established on 12 October 1993. Its initial collection of 1590 volumes was located on the İstinye Campus, built on the site of a former match factory. In 1994-1995, the private collection of Islamic art historian Esin Atıl's books, slides, articles and photographs was purchased at the Smithsonian Institute for the library, which was established with a collection of 1590 volumes. Suna Kıraç Library moved to the new campus built in Rumelifeneri in 2000. In 1995-2003, former American Library of Congress librarian Jane Ann Lindley served as the director of the Suna Kıraç Library. Didar Bayır, Assistant Director for the Information Services Branch, was appointed as Director of the Library After Ms. Lindley’s departure in September 2003. In 1999, the Health Sciences Library at the Nursing School in Nişantaşı (moved to the Koç University Health Sciences Campus in the Topkapı district) was opened. In 2005, the second branch library opened at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations in the Merkez Han –Taksim. The Vehbi Koç and Ankara Research Center Library & Archive joined us as a third branch Library in Keçiören, Ankara which focused on publications, photos, documents, postcards, maps, and documentary films on Ankara. Suna & İnan Kıraç Mediterranean Civilizations Research Center (AKMED) Library was opened in Antalya in 2016 and included in the collections of the Suna Kıraç Library. The administration of the Netherlands Research Institute (NIT) Library, located in Merkez Han, a research center dedicated to the study of Turkey and its surrounding regions through the ages, transferred to Koç University Suna Kıraç Library in 2016. Following the extensive restoration of the ANAMED Library in 2017, the collections of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) and the Turkish Institute of Archaeology (TEBE) containing 12,500 monographs covering Byzantine, Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey, have been added to the ANAMED Library. Suna Kıraç Library hosted the 2000 meeting of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium Association, whose short name is ANKOS. Established in 2016 to encourage research on Turkey in the fields of history, archeology and social science and to give Beyoğlu a new research identity, it provides access to the databases of 13 international research centers in Beyoğlu from a single platform, BiblioPera: Beyoğlu Research Centers Network was undertaken by Koç University Suna Kıraç Library. International Organizations: Suna Kıraç Library is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (FLA), the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL), the American Libraries Association (ALA), and the European Research Libraries Association (LIBER). The library organized annual meetings of local and foreign librarianship meetings. In Istanbul International Library Staff Week events in 2018 Spring, hosted eight librarians from the American Beirut University Libraries in 2019. Greek and Turkish Library Staff Week and the 2nd International Library Staff Week celebrations are among the international events hosted by the Suna Kıraç Library. Koç University Suna Kıraç Library in numbers: • Number of rare books: 7814 • Number of subscribed e-journals: 56554 • Number of subscribed databases: 119 • Number of electronic books: 235,833 • Number of branch libraries: 4 • Total employee number in libraries: 30 Technical Infrastructure Sierra automation system of Innovative company is used for librarianship processes. It provides access to many electronic resources of various types on and off campus. Collections: Printed Collection The works brought to the Suna Kıraç Library through donations and purchases mainly consist of English and Turkish sources. In addition to works in these two languages, there are also publications in German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. As of 2022, the number of printed books is over 270 thousand and the total number of sources is more than 370 thousand. Digital Collection The Suna Kıraç Library Digital Collections aim to provide access to materials illustrating Koç University research, science and history. All materials are protected by copyright and are for non-commercial, educational use only. Koç University collections contain approximately 300,000 digital images, including prints, photographs, slides, maps, newspapers, posters, postcards, manuscripts, streaming video and more. There are digital exhibitions of different content on the Koç University Digital Collections website. Koç University Suna Kıraç Library Digital Collections include the following special collections: VEKAM Institutional Repository Collection, Ankara State Conservatory Collection (Musiki Muallim Mektebi), Koç University Collection of Institutional Memory – KU-CIM, Vehbi Koç Press Clippings Collection, Ankara Documents Collection, Vehbi Koç Collection, The Soundscape of Istanbul Collection, Ulla Johansen Anatolian Ethnology Collection, Sounds of The Rahmi M. Koç Museum – Echoes of Industrial Legacy, Ankara Immovable Cultural Property Collection, Ankara Orchard House Collection, Civil Architectural Memory Ankara 1930-1980 Structure Inventory, Collection of İclal Danişmend Correspondence & İsmail Hami Danişmend Family, VEKAM LoCloud Collection, GABAM Byzantine Monuments Photographs Archive, AKMED Stereoscopic Glass Slide Collection, Ankara Map and Plan Archive, Mehmet Nihat Nigizberk Collection of Architectural Photographs and Drawings, KU Theses & Dissertations Collection, Ankara Photograph, Postcard and Engraving Collection, Koç University Institutional Repository (KU-IR), Hatice Gonnet-Bağana Hittite Collection, Koç University Manuscripts Collection, Josephine Powell Slides Collection, Cahide Tamer Historic Buildings Restoration Projects Collection, Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha Documents Collection, GABAM Byzantine Musical Instruments Collection, Turkish Cartoon Prints Collection, Hadi Tamer Documents Collection, ARHA Trips Collection, Admiral Bristol School of Nursing Collection, 1920-1999, MAVA Exhibitions Collection, Military History Collection Rare Book Collection: The Rare Book Collection of the Suna Kıraç Library includes approximately 8000 rare works on Ottoman and European history, literature and religion. The majority of the works in question are Nesteren and Fuat Bayramoğlu and St. Andrews donations. Rare works belonging to Şinasi Tekin purchased by the library are also included in this collection. The books in the rare works collection are in Ottoman Turkish, English, French, Latin, Arabic and Persian languages besides modern Turkish including Ottoman Turkish, English, French, Latin, Arabic and Persian. General subject boundaries are 19th and 20th century Turkish literature, İstanbul (written about by travelers from abroad), the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and their foreign affairs, the Turkish revolution and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Books defined as "Rare Works" are in the Nesteren and Fuat Bayramoğlu Collection Room on the first floor of the library and cannot be loaned out. Manuscript Collection: Koç University Manuscripts Collection provides resources for studies in the fields of Turkish poetry, law, geography, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, logic, music, mathematics, chemistry, and especially language and cultural history. Anatolian/Ottoman Sufism (Bayrami, Melami and Mevlevi paths), Turkish Literature, Islamic morals and ethics, works on Islamic law, Qur'an studies, fatwas, hadith records have an important place in the collection. The manuscripts in the collection mainly consist of Turkish and Arabic works. In addition to these two languages, there are manuscripts written in different languages such as Persian, Karaman, Crimean Tatar, Crimean Turkish and bilingual (Persian-Arabic or Arabic-Turkish). Works related to Turkish language and literature in Anatolia form a characteristic group of works in the collection. The oldest copy among the dated manuscripts is the work dated 1100 named "Nazmü'l-Hilāfiyyāt [Manzumetü'n-Nesefiyye]". İsmail Hakkı Bursalı's 1969 work titled "Şerhü'l-Usūli'l-Aşere" is the latest dated copy. The people who donated the collection include diplomat and poet Fuat Bayramoğlu, Turcologist and linguist Şinasi Tekin, photographer, traveler and Turkish nomadic culture and textile expert Josephine Powell, State Archives General Directorate consultant Midhat Sertoğlu, Konya bureaucrat and politician Salim Erel. Detailed descriptions of 425 manuscripts out of 686 that were included in the Suna Kıraç Library Rare Works Collection by donation and purchase are included in Koç University Suna Kıraç Library Manuscripts Catalog 1, published in 2018. The catalog contains manuscripts from the personal libraries of Fuat Bayramoğlu, Midhat Sert, Josephine Powell and Şinasi Tekin, which were transferred to the Suna Kıraç Library between 1995 and 2005. The second volume of the Koç University Suna Kıraç Library Manuscripts Catalogue is the catalog of the works donated by Salim Erel. Erel manuscripts are among the works taught in madrasahs. In the catalog section, paleography information of each of the works, visuals showing the beginning and end of the texts of the works, evaluations about the content of the work and notes about the reader's comments, and bibliographic information are presented. Branch Libraries: AKMED Library: provides service in Antalya Kaleiçi. The collection has been created in line with the wishes of the researchers, especially on the subject of geography, Ancient history and the archelogy of Antalya. ANAMED Library: It provides service in the building called Merkez Han, located on Istiklal Street in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul. Library use is limited to individual researchers, ANAMED scholars, students and faculty members who want to research and preserve Turkey's cultural heritage. Students, alumni, academic and administrative staff of the institution, employees, who study at Koç University; Faculty members and families of employees also use it. Health Sciences Library: It is the branch of Koç University Libraries located in Topkapı, Koç University Health Sciences Campus. Its collection is geared towards nursing and health sciences. The services are mainly designed for the faculty and students of the Health Sciences Campus. VEKAM Library: VEKAM Library and Archive is located in Keçiören, Ankara. It is an institution that undertakes the function of the city memory of Ankara. It was established in 1994 and was attached to Koç University Suna Kıraç Library in 2014.[22] Traveling books, original novels written in Turkish and other languages, memoirs written by foreign diplomats working in Ankara, publications on the city's history, culture, architecture, economy and geographical structure; Publications containing historical and cultural studies about Ankara; There are reports of professional associations, chambers and local governments.[23] With the Ali Esat Bozyiğit Collection donated in 2006, the library has expanded in terms of folk literature, Anatolian folklore, folk culture, humor and mysticism. Cultural Activities: Podcast Series: Within the scope of Cultural Heritage studies, the “ANAMED Library Podcast: Burada Konuşmak Serbest” podcast series, in which the library and current developments and current services in the library and archival area are discussed, has started in June 2020. The podcast series “Koç Üniversitesi Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi İstanbul'u Dinliyorum..”, in which different subjects on İstanbul history, culture was discussed, has started in April 2021 with the guests of Istanbul experts. Lastly, the “Suna Kıraç Libraries Podcast” podcast series has started in which podcasts on Suna Kıraç Library theme studies were discussed has started in November 2021. Theme Studies: Since 2021, Koç University Libraries' Treasure Series where we reveal the sources from our collections with the participation of national and international academics and researchers who are experts in their fields within the scope of the determined themes. Within the scope of this series, we offer workshops, conferences, podcasts, and many more. The contents prepared on the themes of Following in the Footsteps of Travelers in Koç University Libraries, Anatolian Nomads: Nomads, Daily Life in Byzantine Istanbul Project, and Civil Architecture can be viewed on the library's website. International Archive Day Conference Series Suna Kıraç Library hosts events as part of the International Archives Day Conference Series. The conferences focus on introducing different archives in various institutions, different digital humanities projects, digital preservation and new technologies.