Avusturya Belverede Galerisi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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39. satır:
== Nazilerin yağmaladığı sanat eserleri tartışmaları ve restitüsyonları ==
* 26 Ağustos 1959'da, [[Holokost|Holokost'tan]] kurtulan, [[Auschwitz-Birkenau|Auschwitz'de]] [https://www.lexikon-provenienzforschung.org/morgenstern-josef öldürülen Josef Morgenstern'in] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211005125415/https://www.lexikon-provenienzforschung.org/morgenstern-josef |tarih=5 Ekim 2021 }} dul eşi Alice Morgenstern, Wien, Niederösterreich und das Burgenland'a (Viyana, Aşağı Avusturya ve Burgenland Eyalet Vergi Dairesi) bir talepte bulundu. Buna göre [[Egon Schiele|"Eskiden bize ait olan Egon Schiele'nin]] ''Dört Ağacı'' şimdi Yukarı Belvedere'de asılı duruyor. Resmi asla satmadık ama saklaması için Viyana'daki Gumpendorferstrasse avukatı Robert Röhrl adlı bir arkadaşımıza verdik. Ne yazık ki öldü ve resmin Belvedere'deki on dokuzuncu yüzyıl [recte yirminci yüzyıl] koleksiyonuna nasıl girdiğini bilmiyorum <ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = https://www.lootedart.com/web_images/pedf2020/Newsletter_Network_Nr-6_2020-05-1.pdf | başlık = CASE STUDIES Egon Schiele, Four Trees/Autumn Allée | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20200602210937/https://www.lootedart.com/web_images/pedf2020/Newsletter_Network_Nr-6_2020-05-1.pdf | arşivtarihi = 2 Haziran 2020}}</ref> " demiştir. Bunun üzerine 20 Mart 2020'de Avusturya Danışma Komisyonu, Schiele'nin Morgenstern'in mirasçılarına iade edilmesini tavsiye etti <ref>{{Web kaynağı|url=https://www.provenienzforschung.gv.at/beiratsbeschluesse/Morgenstern_Josef_2020-03-06.pdf|başlık=Morgenstern_Josef_2020-03-06 BESCHLUSS|arşivtarihi=26 Ocak 2021|arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20210126021929/https://www.provenienzforschung.gv.at/beiratsbeschluesse/Morgenstern_Josef_2020-03-06.pdf|çalışma=provenienzforschung.gv.at|alıntı=Der Beirat sieht es demnach als erwiesen an, dass sich das Gemälde seit spätestens 1924 und – wie nunmehr durch den ausgewerteten Akt nach dem Kriegs- und Verfolgungssachschädengesetz gesichert ist – bis zumindest nach dem „Anschluss“ 1938 im Eigentum von Dr. Josef Morgenstern befand, und kommt zum Ergebnis, dass der Tatbestand des § 1 Abs. 1 Z 2 Kunstrückgabegesetz erfüllt ist. Dem Bundesminister ist daher die Übereignung des Gemäldes an die Rechtsnachfolgerinnen und Rechtsnachfolger nach Dr. Josef Morgenstern zu empfehlen.}}</ref><ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = https://www.jewishnews.at/in-the-media/2020/3/9/art-restitution-advisory-council-recommends-restitution-of-egon-schiele-painting-at-the-belvedere | başlık = Art Restitution Advisory Council Recommends Restitution of Egon Schiele Painting at the Belvedere | erişimtarihi = 28 Nisan 2021 | dil = en-US | çalışma = Jewish News From Austria | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20210129080028/https://www.jewishnews.at/in-the-media/2020/3/9/art-restitution-advisory-council-recommends-restitution-of-egon-schiele-painting-at-the-belvedere | arşivtarihi = 29 Ocak 2021}}</ref>
* Kasım 2006'da elli yıldan fazla süren yasal anlaşmazlıkların ardından bir kurul Edvard Munch'un Viyana'daki Belvedere Galerisi'nde sergilenen "Kumsalda Yaz Gecesi"nin Alma Mahler'in torunu ve tek varisi Marina Fistoulari-Mahler'e iade edilmesine karar verdi. Mahler, Avusturyalı besteci Gustav Mahler'in eşidir.<ref>{{Web kaynağı | url = https://www.lootedart.com/news.php?r=MKP5VR311981 | başlık = Munch painting stolen by Nazis is returned to Mahler heir | erişimtarihi = 28 Nisan 2021 | çalışma = www.lootedart.com | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20101124155736/https://www.lootedart.com/news.php?r=MKP5VR311981 | arşivtarihi = 24 Kasım 2010}}</ref><ref>{{Haber kaynağı|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/09/arts/design/09munc.html|başlık=After 60 Years, Austria Will Return a Munch Work to a Mahler Heir|erişimtarihi=28 Nisan 2021|arşivtarihi=4 Mayıs 2018|arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20180504131404/https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/09/arts/design/09munc.html?_r=3|yazarlar=Riding|tarih=9 Kasım 2006|dil=en-US|çalışma=The New York Times|alıntı=The painting, which shows the moon reflecting off a calm sea before a rocky beach and is sometimes referred to as “Seascape With Moon,” has been hanging since 1940 in the Austrian Gallery, known as the Belvedere, in Vienna. The Austrian government had rejected all previous claims to the painting, most recently in 1999, on the ground that the Belvedere had legitimate title to it. Wednesday’s ruling followed a recommendation earlier that day by the country’s Art Restitution Commission, which followed the spirit of a new law adopted in 2001 aimed at easing the way for the return of art unjustly acquired under Nazi rule.|issn=0362-4331}}</ref>
* 2006'da Avusturya, Belvedere'den Gustav Klimt'in beş resmini Adele Bloch-Bauer'in mirasçılarına iade etti.<ref>{{Haber kaynağı|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/06/arts/design/a-homecoming-in-los-angeles-for-five-klimts-looted-by-nazis.html|başlık=A Homecoming, in Los Angeles, for Five Klimts Looted by Nazis|erişimtarihi=28 Nisan 2021|arşivtarihi=10 Ağustos 2016|arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160810091821/https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/06/arts/design/a-homecoming-in-los-angeles-for-five-klimts-looted-by-nazis.html|yazarlar=Waxman|tarih=6 Nisan 2006|dil=en-US|çalışma=The New York Times|alıntı=Mr. Bloch-Bauer hung her portraits and the other Klimts in a special room in his palace as a kind of shrine to his beloved wife. But after Germany annexed Austria in March 1938, he fled without any of his belongings. The new Nazi government levied a bogus tax bill on the industrialist, and confiscated his property, placing threeof the Klimt paintings in the Austrian Gallery, and selling the rest.|issn=0362-4331}}</ref><ref>{{Web kaynağı|url=https://www.lootedart.com/news.php?r=MKR4JD100461|başlık=Austria to Return Art Stolen by Nazis|erişimtarihi=28 Nisan 2021|arşivtarihi=24 Kasım 2010|arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20101124202953/https://www.lootedart.com/news.php?r=MKR4JD100461|çalışma=www.lootedart.com|yayıncı=New York Times|alıntı=Her husband fled to Switzerland after the Nazis took over Austria. The Nazis then took the paintings and a Belvedere gallery was made the formal owner.}}</ref>
51. satır:
== Dış bağlantılar ==
* [https://www.belvedere.at/en Resmi Österreichische Galerie Belvedere web sitesi] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211005125407/https://www.belvedere.at/en |tarih=5 Ekim 2021 }} - {{İn lang|en}}
* [https://www.belvedere.at/de/forschung/ Koleksiyon meta araması ''Belvedere Research Online''] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171016175151/https://www.belvedere.at/de/forschung/ |tarih=16 Ekim 2017 }}