Hiung-nu: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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108. satır:
Çin'in kuzeyinde MÖ 2. bin yıldan itibaren, bugün Çin sınırlarındaki bölgelerde ve Moğolistan'ın güneyinde yaşayan kırsal göçebe kabileler birbirleriyle savaştılar. Bu kabilelerden bazıları birleşerek Hiung-nu konfederasyonunu kurdu ve bölgedeki önemli bir güç olan [[Yueshi]]'leri<ref>月氏 yuè shì</ref> yendikten sonra MÖ 200'lerden itibaren [[Teoman (lider)|Teoman]] ve [[Mete]] döneminde Çin'e karşı ciddi bir tehdit oluşturan bir imparatorluk oldular.
Hsiung-nu halklarının ana dini muhtemelen [[Tengricilik]] idi.<ref name="Mythology">[http://books.google.de/books?id=Y21XOYRQUgQC Mythologies: A Polytheistic View of the World] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141218081129/http://books.google.de/books?id=Y21XOYRQUgQC |tarih=18 Aralık 2014 }}, [[Book:Mythologies : A Polytheistic view of the world|By Wikipedians]], PediaPress, p.406</ref><ref name="Yuri Pines Tengri">Yuri Pines, [http://books.google.de/books?id=EA3lfFV9W7IC The Everlasting Empire: The Political Culture of Ancient China and Its Imperial Legacy] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141111221205/http://books.google.de/books?id=EA3lfFV9W7IC |tarih=11 Kasım 2014 }}, Princeton University Press, 2012, p.37. ISBN 1400842271, 9781400842278:
* "''The nomads had their own concept of Great Unity: they believed that the high god of the steppe, Heaven/Tengri, confers the right to rule on a single charismatic clan. This notion had already emerged vividly in the Xiongnu empire, and it surely influenced the nomadic rulers of China in their endorsement of the Chinese idea of unified rule.''"</ref><ref name="John Tengri">John Man, Attila: the barbarian king who challenged Rome, Bantam, 2005, p.62. University of Michigan. ISBN 0593052919, 9780593052914:
* "''The Xiongnu also worshipped Tengri. A history of the Han dynasty (206 BC - AD 8), written towards the end of the first century by the historian Pan Ku, in a section on the Xiongnu, says, 'They refer to their ruler by the title cheng li [a transliteration of tengri] ku t'u [son] shan-yii [king]' i.e. something like 'His Majesty, the Son of Heaven'. In early Turkish inscriptions, the ruler has his power from Tengri; and Tengri was the name given to Uighur kings of the eighth and ninth centuries.''"</ref> ''Tenggeri'' ve ''tengri'' kelimelerinin Moğol ve Türk dillerine, Hsiung-nu dilinde cennet manasına gelen ''chengli'' kökünden geçtiğine de inanılmaktadır.<ref name="STEPPE FRONTIER IN EARLY CHINESE SOURCES page 49">THE PEOPLES OF THE STEPPE FRONTIER IN EARLY
CHINESE SOURCES, Edwin G. Pulleyblank, page 49</ref>
Satır 207 ⟶ 206:
Lajos Ligeti, E.H. Parker, Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat, [[Julius Klaproth]], Kurakichi Shiratori, [[Gustaf John Ramstedt]], [[Annemarie von Gabain]] ve [[Omeljan Pritsak]], Hsiung-nu halkının Türk olduğunu belirtmektedir.<ref name=":0">Pritsak 1959</ref><ref name="Gyula" /> Bazı akademisyenler yönetici sınıfının [[Ön Türkler]]lerden oluştuğunu savunmuştur.<ref name="Hucker 1975" /><ref>Wink 2002: 60-61</ref> [[Craig Benjamin]], Hsiung-nu dilinin [[Dingling]] dilleri ile bağlantılı olduğunu ve dilin [[Ön Türkçe]] veya Ön Mongolca olduğuna inanmaktadır.<ref>Craig Benjamin (2007, 49), In: Hyun Jin Kim, [https://books.google.com/books?id=fX8YAAAAQBAJ The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170109012121/https://books.google.com/books?id=fX8YAAAAQBAJ |tarih=9 Ocak 2017 }}. Cambridge University Press. 2013. page 176.</ref>
Hiung-nu dilinde kullanmış ünvanlar ve önemli sözcükler ile Türk dillerinde bulunan sözcükler arasında bağlantılar olduğunu iddia ederekten, Hiung-nu halkı içinde [[Türk halkları]]nın ağırlıkta olduğunu savunan pek çok araştırmacı da bulunmaktadır.<ref name="Michael Adas 2001" /><ref>{{Web kaynağı |url=http://www.federatio.org/joes/EurasianStudies_0409.pdf |başlık=Lászlo Marácz, Borbála Obrusánszky: Heritage of the Huns. In: Journal of Eurasian Studies, Volume 1, Issue 4. 2009. sayfa 158. |erişimtarihi=7 Ekim 2018 |arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20190427022732/http://federatio.org/joes/EurasianStudies_0409.pdf |arşivtarihi=27 Nisan 2019 |ölüurl=evet }}</ref> Bu nedenlerde ötürü bilim insanlarının bir kısmı Hiung-nu halklarının Türk kökenli olduğunu iddia etmektedir.<ref name="Carter V. Findley">Carter Vaughn Findley: [http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC The Turks in World History] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140224011749/http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC |tarih=24 Şubat 2014 }}, Oxford University Press, 2004, p.29 ISBN 0195177266, 9780195177268
* "''It has been widely held that the Xiongnu, or at least their ruling clans, had or were acquiring a Turkic identity, or at least an Altaic one. [...]. By the end of the Xiongnu period, however, the Altaic peoples would be the ones most identified with the equestrian culture earlier developed among the Indo-European peoples of Inner Asia. Furthermore, the earliest clearly Turkic peoples appeared on the peripheries of the late Xiongnu Empire. [...] If not their ethnic progenitors, then, the Xiongnu had manifold ties to the later Turks.''"</ref><ref>Prof. Dr. Nicola Di Cosmo in: [http://www.turkish-history.com/display.asp?c=6011#x The Turks: Early ages] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160308093526/http://www.turkish-history.com/display.asp?c=6011#x|tarih=8 Mart 2016}}, Part 4. Huns (Xiongnu): The Origin and Rise of the Xiongnu Empire, Y. T., 2002, pp.217-227, University of Michigan, ISBN 9756782552, 9789756782552
* "''There is not much doubt among historians about the Turkish nature of the Great Hun Empire, which ruled between 318 B.C. and 216 A.D., as well as that of its predecessor proto-Huns, whose presence was confirmed by Chinese sources. The Great Hun Empire, the Western Hun Empire and especially the European Huns were examined comprehensively by Western historians.''"</ref><ref>Zhonghan, Wang (2004). "Outlines of Ethnic Groups in China". p. 133.</ref><ref>Carter Vaughn Findley: [http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC The Turks in World History] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140224011749/http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC|tarih=24 Şubat 2014}}, Oxford University Press, 2004, p.21 ISBN 0195177266, 9780195177268:
* "''It has been widely held that the Xiongnu, or at least their ruling clans, had or were acquiring a Turkic identity, or at least an Altaic one. [...]. By the end of the Xiongnu period, however, the Altaic peoples would be the ones most identified with the equestrian culture earlier developed among the Indo-European peoples of Inner Asia. Furthermore, the earliest clearly Turkic peoples appeared on the peripheries of the late Xiongnu Empire. [...] If not their ethnic progenitors, then, the Xiongnu had manifold ties to the later Turks.''"</ref><ref>Prof. Dr. Nicola Di Cosmo in: [http://www.turkish-history.com/display.asp?c=6011#x The Turks: Early ages] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160308093526/http://www.turkish-history.com/display.asp?c=6011#x |tarih=8 Mart 2016 }}, Part 4. Huns (Xiongnu): The Origin and Rise of the Xiongnu Empire, Y. T., 2002, pp.217-227, University of Michigan, ISBN 9756782552, 9789756782552
* "''There is not much doubt among historians about the Turkish nature of the Great Hun Empire, which ruled between 318 B.C. and 216 A.D., as well as that of its predecessor proto-Huns, whose presence was confirmed by Chinese sources. The Great Hun Empire, the Western Hun Empire and especially the European Huns were examined comprehensively by Western historians.''"</ref><ref>Zhonghan, Wang (2004). "Outlines of Ethnic Groups in China". p. 133.</ref><ref>Carter Vaughn Findley: [http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC The Turks in World History] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140224011749/http://books.google.de/books?id=bdZbe3zOz_MC |tarih=24 Şubat 2014 }}, Oxford University Press, 2004, p.21 ISBN 0195177266, 9780195177268:
* "''The Xiongnu have been widely, although not universally, regarded as precursors of the Turkic and Mongol peoples.''"</ref>
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