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'''Bâbek Hûrremî''' ([[Farsça]]: '''بابک خرمدین''' Bābak Ḵhorram-Dīn; d. 795 ya da 798 - ö. 4 Ocak 838<ref name="TDV">TDV, ''İslâm Ansiklopedisi,'' Cilt 4, Sahife 377.</ref>); [[Abbâsîler Hâlifeliği]]'ne karşı mücadele eden [[Hûrrem’îyye]] Hareketi'nin önderliğini<ref>[{{Web kaynağı |url= |başlık=Encyclopedia Iranica |erişimtarihi=10 Ekim 2020 |arşiv-url= Encyclopedia|arşiv-tarihi=16 Iranica]Nisan 2009 |ölüurl=no }}</ref> yapan ve 22 yıl süren (816-838)<ref>Maurice Lombard. The golden age of Islam. 2003. s.152. ISBN 1-55876-322-8, 9781558763227</ref>[[Babek Ayaklanması]] zamanında [[Halife]]'nin ünlü komutanının önderliğindeki 6 büyük [[Hilafet Ordusu]]nu mağlup eden [[İranlılar|İranlı]]<ref>Arthur Goldschmidt, Lawrence Davidson, “A concise history of the Middle East”, Westview Press; Eighth Edition edition (July 21, 2005). Pg 81: “..a Persian named Babak whose rebellion lasted twenty years. These uprisings were inspired by Persia’s pre-Islamic religions, such as Zoroastrianism (the faith of Sassanid ruler) and a peasant movement called Mazdakism”</ref><ref>Bernard Lewis (1991), “The Political Language of Islam”, University of Chicago Press, pp 482):"“Babak’s Iranianizing rebellion in Azerbaijan gave occasion for sentiments at the capital to harden against men who were sympathetic to the more explicitly Iranian tradition"</ref><ref>Bernard Lewis, "The Arabs in History", Oxford University Press, 2002. pp 109-110: "The resentment of the subject population found expression in a series of religious movements in different parts of Iran, with its predominantely peasent supports... The memory of Abu Muslim himself was also frequently invoked by Iranian rebels who claimed to be his heirs and avengers against the Caliph who betrayed him. At first these movements were Iranian in their beliefs; later they became syncretist, preaching a mingling of Mazdakite and extremist Shi'i ideas. ... By far the most serious of these movements was that of Babak (816-37)"</ref><ref>Mark Whittow, ''The Making of Orthodox Byzantium, 600-1025. New studies in medieval history'', Macmillan, London, 1996, s. 195, 203 & 215. ''Azerbaijan was the scene of frequent anti-caliphal and anti-Arab revolts during the eighth and ninth centuries, and Byzantine sources talk of Persian warriors seeking refuge in the 830s from the caliph's armies by taking service under the Byzantine emperor Theophilos. [...] Azerbaijan had a Persian population and was a traditional centre of the Zoroastrian religion. [...] The Khurramites were a [...] Persian sect, influenced by Shiite doctrines, but with their roots in a pre-Islamic Persian religious movement.''</ref><ref>Ermeni tarihçi Vardan Areweltsʻi, 1198-1271 yıllarında yazdığı nottan aktarılmış: ''La domination arabe en Armènie, extrait de l’ histoire universelle de Vardan'', traduit de l’armènian et annotè , J. Muyldermans, Louvain et Paris, 1927, pg 119. ''En ces jours-lá, un homme de la race PERSE, nomm é Bab, sortant de Baltat, faiser passer par le fil de l’épée beaucoup de la race d’Ismayēl tandis qu’il..'' Original Grabar: Havoursn haynosig ayr mi hazkes Barsitz Pap anoun yelyal i Baghdada, arganer zpazoums i sour suseri hazken Ismayeli, zpazoums kerelov. yev anser zinkn anmah. yev i mium nvaki sadager yeresoun hazar i baderazmeln youroum ent Ismayeli</ref><ref>Arap tarihçi ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Ḥazm (994-1064) ''Al-Faṣl fi l-Milal & l-Ahwāʾ & n-Niḥal'' eserinde İran'daki Hilafete karşı farklı ayaklanmalardan bahsetmiştir. «أن الفرس كانوا من سعة الملك وعلو اليد على جميع الأمم وجلالة الخطير في أنفسهم حتى أنهم كانوا يسمون أنفسهم الأحرار والأبناء وكانوا يعدون سائر الناس عبيداً لهم فلما امتحنوا بزوال الدولة عنهم على أيدي العرب وكانت العرب أقل الأمم عند الفرس خطراً تعاظمهم الأمر وتضاعفت لديهم المصيبة وراموا كيد الإسلام بالمحاربة في أوقات شتى ففي كل ذلك يظهر الله سبحانه وتعالى الحق وكان من قائمتهم سنبادة واستاسيس والمقنع وبابك وغيرهم » (Alī ibn Aḥmad Ibn Ḥazm, ''Al-Faṣl Fī Al-Milal Wa-Al-Ahwāʾ Wa-Al-Niḥal'', Dār al-Jīl, Bayrūt, Lubnān, 1995.</ref> komutan. [[Azeriler|Azerbaycanın]] ve [[Farslar]]ın millî kahramanı.<ref>Central Asia meets the Middle East. David Menashri. 1998. p. 104 - ''the Republic of Azerbaijan, where Babak is a cult figure and a national hero.''</ref><ref>Azərbaycan qəhrəmanı Babək Xürrəmdin. Nəfisi Səid. "Elm", Bakı, 1990.</ref><ref>Daniel Pipes, "Slave soldiers and Islam: the genesis of a military system ", Middle East Forum, 1981. pg 153: "Al-Mutasim undertook two military campaigns during his caliphate, the attack on Amorium (a town in Anatolia) and the suppression of the Persian rebel Babak. In both of these cases, Turkish military slaves played a major role;..</ref> [[Erdebil]]'de doğmuştur.
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