Hubert Humphrey: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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== Dış bağlantılar ==
* [ University of Texas biography]
* [ Complete text and audio of Humphrey's 1948 speech at the Democratic National Convention - from] {{Webarşiv|url= |date=5 Haziran 2020 }}
* [ Complete text and audio of Humphrey's 1964 speech at the Democratic National Convention - from] {{Webarşiv|url= |date=25 Temmuz 2019 }}
* [ Account of 1948 Presidential campaign] - includes text of Humphrey's speech at the Democratic National Convention
* [ Transcript, Hubert H. Humphrey Oral History Interview], August 17, 1971, by Joe B. Frantz, Internet Copy, LBJ Library. Accessed April 3, 2005.
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