Üniteryenizm: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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1. satır:
'''Üniteryenizm''' ([[İngilizce]]: Unitarianism) [[Hristiyanlık]]taki [[teslis]] inanışının aksine [[tanrı]]nın birliğini savunan [[HıristiyanHristiyan teolojisi]] hareketidir.<ref>{{Kaynak |url=http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15047a.htm | katkı = The dogma of the Trinity | başlık = Catholic Encyclopedia | editör-ad = Kevin | editör-soyadı = Knight | yayıncı = New Advent}}</ref>
Üniteryenler [[İsa]]'nın bazı bakımlardan "Tanrı'nın oğlu" olduğunu kabul etmekle birlikte Tanrı olarak kabul etmezler.<ref name="Miano 2003 15">{{Kaynak | ad = David | soyadı = Miano | başlık = An Explanation of Unitarian Christianity | yayıncı = AUC | yıl = 2003 | sayfa = 15 |url=http://americanunitarian.org/explanation.htm }}</ref> Üniteryenizmde [[ilk günah]] ve [[mukadderat]] gibi [[soteriyoloji]]k [[doktrin]]ler de dahil olmak üzere birçok geleneksel Hristiyan doktrini reddedilir.<ref>Joseph Priestley, one of the founders of the Unitarian movement, defined Unitarianism as the belief of primitive Christianity before later corruptions set in. Among these corruptions, he included not only the doctrine of the Trinity, but also various other orthodox doctrines and usages (Earl Morse Wilbur, ''A History of Unitarianism'', Harvard University Press 1952, pp. 302–303).</ref><ref>From ''The Catechism of the Hungarian Unitarian Church in Transylvanian Romania'': "Unitarians do not teach original sin. We do not believe that through the sin of the first human couple we all became corrupted. It would contradict the love and justice of God to attribute to us the sin of others, because sin is one's own personal action" (Ferencz Jozsef, 20th ed., 1991. Translated from Hungarian by Gyorgy Andrasi, published in ''The Unitarian Universalist Christian,'' FALL/WINTER, 1994, Volume 49, Nos.3–4; VII:107).</ref><ref>In his history of the Unitarians, David Robinson writes: "At their inception, both Unitarians and Universalists shared a common theological enemy: Calvinism." He explains that they "consistently attacked Calvinism on the related issues of original sin and election to salvation, doctrines that in their view undermined human moral exertion." (D. Robinson, ''The Unitarians and the Universalists'', Greenwood Press, 1985, pp. 3, 17).</ref> [[J. Gordon Melton]] tarafından hazırlanan Amerikan Dinler Ansiklopedisi'nde "[[liberal]]" kiliseler arasında sınıflandırılmıştır.<ref>ed. [[J. Gordon Melton]] ''Encyclopedia of American Religions'' (8th ed.) "Brought together in this chapter as the 'liberal' family of churches and 'religious' organizations are those groups that have challenged the orthodox Christian dominance of Western religious life: Unitarianism, universalism, and infidelism" (p. 611).</ref>
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