Konstantinos Manasses: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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[[Dosya:01-manasses-chronicle.jpg|thumb|right|The first miniature from Manasses' Chronicle: the author (right) next to Tsar [[Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria]] and [[Jesus Christ]].]]
'''Konstantin Manasses''' ({{lang-el|Κωνσταντῖνος Μανασσῆς}}; c. 1130 - c. 1187), 12. yüzyılda [[I. Manuel Komnenos]] (1143-1180 arası hükümdar) görev yapmış [[Bizans İmparatorluğu|Bizans]] [[Vakanüvisi]]<!--He was the author of a chronicle or historical synopsis of events from the creation of the world to the end of the reign of [[Nikephoros Botaneiates]] (1081), sponsored by Irene Komnene, the emperor's sister-in-law. It consists of about 7000 lines in [[political verse]]. It obtained great popularity and appeared in a free prose translation; it was also translated into Bulgarian and Roman [[Slavic languages|Slavic]] in the 14th century and enjoyed a great popularity.
Chronicle edition: Bekker, Bonn 1837; the Bulgarian translation, ''Cronica lui Constantin Manasses'', by Ioan Bogdan and I. Bianu, Bucarest, 1922.