Yeni Ordu (İngiltere): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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53. satır:
===İkinci iç savaş===
İkinci İngiliz İç Savaşı olarak da adlandırılan çatışmaların yeniden alevlendiği 1648 yılı Temmuz ayına Yeni Ordu hazırlıksız yakalanmaz. [[Surrey]], [[Kent]] ve [[Galler]] bölgelerinde monarşi yanlısı ayaklanmalar bastırılır, Ağustos ayında ise [[Preston Muharebesi]]nde [[İskoçlar]] yenilir. Ordudaki çok sayıda asker radikal siyasal talepleri dillendirir olmuş ve kral [[I. Charles]]'ın idam edilemsini ister hale gelmişti. Orduda ''Grandee'' olarak adlandırılan kurmay heyet kralla artık uzlaşma imkanının kalmadığını, eğer kendisine bir fırsat daha verilirse yeniden bir savaş çıkartmaya çalışacağı konusunda konsensus oluşmuştu. Parlamentonun ordunun duruşuna uymaması üzerine 6 Aralık 1648 günü gerçekleştirilen [[Pride Darbesi]] sayesinde muhalif vekiller iktidardan uzaklaştırılır. Ortaya çıkan ''Rump Parlamento'' kralı yargılayacak yasal düzenlemeyi yaparak sürecin önünü açar. Vatana ihanetten yargılanan kral I. Charles suçlu bulunur ve 30 Ocak 1649 günü idam edilir. Ortak düşman bertaraf edilince Putney görüşmelerinde ortaya çıkmış olan fikir ayrılıkları ordu içinde yeniden belirmeye başlar. Devrimci dönüşümlere muhalafet eden [[Oliver Cromwell]], [[Henry Ireton]], [[Thomas Fairfax]] ve diğerleri ordudaki rahatsızlıklara kapsamlı tasfiye ile müdahale etmeyi planlar.
The army remained under control and intact, so it was able to take the field when the Second English Civil War broke out in July 1648. The New Model Army routed English royalist insurrections in Surrey and Kent, and in Wales, before crushing a Scottish invasion force at the Battle of Preston in August.
Many of the Army's radicals now called for the execution of the King, whom they called, "Charles Stuart, that man of blood". The majority of the Grandees realised that they could neither negotiate a settlement with Charles I, nor trust him to refrain from raising another army to attack them, so they came reluctantly to the same conclusion as the radicals: they would have to execute him. After the Long Parliament rejected the Army's Remonstrance[b] by 125 to 58, the Grandees decided to reconstitute Parliament so that it would agree with the Army's position. On 6 December 1648, Colonel Thomas Pride instituted Pride's Purge and forcibly removed from the House of Commons all those who were not supporters of the religious independents and the Grandees in the Army. The much-reduced Rump Parliament passed the necessary legislation to try Charles I. He was found guilty of high treason by the 59 Commissioners and beheaded on 30 January 1649.
Now that the twin pressures of Royalism and those in the Long Parliament who were hostile to the Army had been defeated, the divisions in the Army present in the Putney Debates resurfaced. Cromwell, Ireton, Fairfax and the other Grandees were not prepared to countenance the Agitators' proposals for a revolutionary constitutional settlement. This eventually brought the Grandees into conflict with those elements in the New Model Army who did.
During 1649 there were three mutinies over pay and political demands. The first involved three hundred infantrymen of Colonel John Hewson's regiment, who declared that they would not serve in Ireland until the Levellers' programme had been realised. They were cashiered without arrears of pay, which was the threat that had been used to quell the mutiny at the Corkbush Field rendezvous.