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128. satır:
* [[Natalie Dormer]] <ref>"I’m an atheist but I wouldn’t mind being visited by a ghost, I’d be open to the experience." [ Tudors beauty: Nude scenes were harrowing (interview with Natalie Dormer]</ref>
* [[John Doyle (comedian)|John Doyle]]<ref>"Well, if humans are to develop as a species, we have to stand on our own two feet. If we do not do that, then we are destined to repeat the errors of history, we are destined to repeat the problems ... hhhh [sigh] ... we see emerging, the Zeitgeist that's blowing through on either sides of the divide at the moment. This is destined to repeat itself, unless we can evolve towards a secular, moral compass, that enables us to respect each other, and respect our ideas, and respect the accidental, biological genius of humankind, that has come about largely not through design, but through accident, and not to piss it up against the wall by demeaning ourselves into imagining that there is some divine master plan that gives the earth and gives the world 'sense'..., if we can accept that all we have is each other, that's all we have, then we may respect each other a little more. Impossible, utterly impossible, but you can only try, you can only try." [ The Songlines Conversations: John Doyle] show transcript, 9 July 2006</ref>
* [[Turan Dursun]] (1934-1990)
* [[Christopher Eccleston]]<ref>"I'm an atheist. My mother is very religious, a churchgoer. She would often encourage me to go to church as well, but never forced it upon me, which I thought was quite decent of her. [...] There was no defining moment in which I decided there was no god for me, it was more of a growing process. I do feel that whatever religious beliefs I had as a child were foisted upon me. It's like when you ask where Grandma went when she died, and you'd be told that she went to heaven. I wouldn't necessarily view that as a bad thing, but it was stuff like that which I think hindered my intellectual development. Now that I've grown, I prefer a different interpretation." Christopher Eccleston, ''The Heaven and Earth Show'', BBC1, Sunday April 3, 2005, 10:30.</ref>
* [[Matt Smith]]<ref>"I've always been into history, and then recently, probably by being the Doctor – he is, isn't he, a kind of one-man historical and scientific education? – much more into physics. I recently read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, which ignited my interest in a scientific, mathematical version of the world. No, I'm not religious. At all. I'm an atheist." Matt Smith, '[ Matt Smith interview: lord of misrule]', ''The Guardian'', December 3, 2011,.</ref>
177. satır:
* [[John Malkovich]]<ref>"I'm an atheist." John Malkovich ''[[The Age]]'' interview (Australia), April 25, 2003, Magazine.</ref>
* [[John Maynard Smith]] (1920–2004): Britanyalı evrim biyoloğu ve genetikçi.<ref>From a ''Humanist News'' interview in Autumn 2001: Interviewer: What is your attitude to religion now? JMS: Ever since reading ([[J. B. S. Haldane]]'s book) ''Possible Worlds'' I have been an atheist, and a semi-conscious atheist before that. I think there are two views you can have about religion. You can be tolerant of it and say, I don't believe in this but I don't mind if other people do, or you can say, I not only don't believe in it but I think it is dangerous and damaging for other people to believe in it and they should be persuaded that they are mistaken. I fluctuate between the two. I am tolerant because religious institutions facilitate some very important work that would not get done otherwise, but then I look around and see what an incredible amount of damage religion is doing. []</ref>
* [[Ernst Mayr]] (1904–2005): TaxonomistTaksonomist, tropical explorer, bilim tarihçisi, doğacı.<ref>[ An appreciation of biologist Ernst Mayr (1904-2005)]</ref>
* [[Peter Medawar]] (1915–1987): Psikolog. Nobel psikoloji ödülü sahibi.<ref>"... I believe that a reasonable case can be made for saying, not that we believe in God because He exists but rather that He exists because we believe in Him. [...] Considered as an element of the world, God has the same degree and kind of objective reality as do other products of mind. [...] I regret my disbelief in God and religious answers generally, for I believe it would give satisfaction and comfort to many in need of it if it possible to discover and propound good scientific and philosophic reasons to believe in God. [...] To abdicate from the rule of reason and substitute for it an authentication of belief by the intentness and degree of conviction with which we hold it can be perilous and destructive. [...] I am a rationalist—something of a period piece nowadays, I admit [...]" Peter Medawar, 'The Question of the Existence of God' in his book ''The Limits of Science'' (Harper and Row 1984).</ref>
* [[Jeff Medkeff]] (1968–2008): ABD'li astronomi bilgini.<ref>"I met Jeff at The Amazing Meeting 5.5 in Fort Lauderdale in January. We became friends and I read his blog within hours of each posting. He was a programmer, an astronomer, a pro-bono science educator, a hard-nosed skeptic and an atheist. This random blow against a friendly and generous guy is a typical example of the non-plannedness of things." Martin Rundkvist, [ Jeff Medkeff 1968-2008], ''Aardvarchaeology'' blog, 4 August 2008 (accessed 5 August 2008).</ref>
187. satır:
* [[Fritz Müller]] (1821–1897): Alman biyolog. Evrim teorisyenlerinden.<ref>"[Müller] was an atheist..." [ Review of Müller's biography], by James Mallet, ''Quarterly Review of Biology'' 79:196 (2004). Retrieved [[2 July]] [[2007]].</ref>
* [[PZ Myers]] (1957–): ABD'li biyoloji profesörü.<ref>"I was brought up a Lutheran, but I became an atheist"–PZ Myers ([[February 14]], [[2007]]), [ It's the arrogance, stupid], ''[[Pharyngula (blog)|Pharyngula]]''. Retrieved [[February 22]], [[2007]].</ref>
* [[Aziz Nesin]] (1915-1995)
* [[Sevan Nişanyan]] (1956-) <ref>[ Aykırı Sorular]</ref>
* [[Paul Nurse]] (1949–): 2001 Nobel ödülü sahibi.<ref>"I gradually slipped away from religion over several years and became an atheist or to be more philosophically correct, a sceptical agnostic." [ Nurse's autobiography at]</ref>
* [[Linus Pauling]] (1901–1994): ABD'li kimyacı. 1954 Nobel kimya ödülünü 1962’de Nobel barış ödülünü kazandı.<ref>Originally a Lutheran, Pauling declared his atheism in 1992, two years before his death.</ref>