Mürre bin Kâ’b: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

4. yüzyılda yaşamış Kureyş kabilesinden Muhammed'in altıncı dedesi
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Yeni sayfa: "'''Murrah ibn Ka'b''' ({{lang-ar|مرة بن كعب}}) is a man from Quraish tribe, supposed to live in the 4th century.<ref>Estimated according to number of generations between..."
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Sayfanın 19.25, 6 Ocak 2014 tarihindeki hâli

Murrah ibn Ka'b (Şablon:Lang-ar) is a man from Quraish tribe, supposed to live in the 4th century.[1] He is the sixth-in-line of Muhammad’s grandfathers. He is the last common ancestor of Muhammad’s all four grandparents. He is also the last common ancestor of six of Muhammad’s eight great-grandparents.

Peygamber Muhammed'in anne ve babasının her ikisinin de ortak ceddi olan Mûrrah ibn-i Kâ’b'a dayandırılan soyu.
Father:Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusay ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.
Mother:Salma bint Amr An-Najjariya (not a descendant of Murrah).
Father:Amr ibn Ae’z ibn Imran ibn Makhzum ibn Yaqza ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.
Mother:Sakhra bint Abd ibn Imran ibn Makhzum ibn Yaqza ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.
Father:Abd Manaf ibn Zuhra ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.
Mother:Atika bint a-Awqas As-Sulamiya[2] (not a descendant of Murrah).
Father:Abdul Uzza ibn Othman ibn Abd Addar ibn Qusay ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.
Mother:Um Habib bint Assad ibn Abdul Uzza ibn Qusay ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b.


  1. ^ Estimated according to number of generations between him and the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
  2. ^ http://islamport.com/w/tkh/Web/331/249.htm

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