2013 Mısır askerî darbesi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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48. satır:
28 Nisan 2013'de Mursi'yi 30 Haziran'da görevinden istifa ettirmek için 15 milyon imza toplanmasının amaçlandığı taban hareketi olan [[Tamarod]] başlatıldı. Hareketin yönetici çevreleri, tüm Mısır'da ve özellikle Kahire'deki Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sarayı önünde barışçıl gösteriler için toplanma çağrısında bulundu.<ref>{{Cite news|title=Egypt's 'Rebel' campaign gathered 22 mn signatures, says spokesman|url=http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/75244/Egypt/Politics-/Egypts-Rebel-campaign-gathered--mn-signatures,-say.aspx|agency=Ahram Online|date=29 June 2013|accessdate=29 June 2013}}</ref> Hareket ayrıca [[Ulusal Kurtuluş Cephesi (Mısır)|Ulusal Kurtuluş Cephesi]], [[6 Nisan Gençlik Hareketi]] ve [[Güçlü Mısır Partisi]] tarafından desteklendi.<ref>{{Cite news|title=Reactions vary to the Rebel movement’s 30 June plans|url=http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2013/06/05/reactions-vary-to-tamarods-30-june-plans/|agency=Daily News Egypt|date=5 June 2013|accessdate=13 June 2013}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|title=Strong Egypt Party supports protest on 30 June, opposes military coup|url=http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/74273/Egypt/Politics-/Strong-Egypt-Party-supports-protest-on--June,-oppo.aspx|agency=Ahram Online|date=18 June 2013|accessdate=18 June 2013}}</ref>
15 Haziran'da katıldığı bir konferansta Mursi, Suriye'ye dıştan müdahale çağrısı yaptı.<ref name="No-fly-zone">{{Cite news |title=Egyptian president cuts ties with Syria and calls for no-fly zone over country |agency=Reuters |newspaper=The Guardian |date=15 June 2013 |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/15/egypt-mohamed-morsi-cuts-ties-with-syria }}</ref> According to YasserYaser El-Shimy Şimi, an analyst with the [[International Crisis Group]], this statement crossed "a national security red line." The army rebuked this statement the next day by stating that its only role was to guard Egypt's borders. Although the [[Egyptian constitution]] ostensibly declares the president as the supreme commander of the armed forces, the Egyptian military is independent of civilian control.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/africa/morsi-role-at-syria-rally-seen-as-tipping-point-for-egypt-army-1.1450612 |title=Morsi role at Syria rally seen as tipping point for Egypt army |work=The Irish Times |date=2 July 2013 |accessdate=3 July 2013}}</ref>
As the first anniversary of Morsi's presidential inauguration approached in 2013, his supporters such as the [[National Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy]] started demonstrations at multiple places including [[El-Hossari Mosque]], [[El-Nahda Square]], outside [[Cairo University]], outside Al-Rayan Mosque in the posh suburb of Maadi, and in [[Ain Shams]] district. They had started open-ended rallies<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.focac.org/eng/zjfz/fzsz/t1054696.htm |title=17 gunmen arrested before reaching pro-Morsi protest in Egypt |publisher=Focac.org |accessdate=3 July 2013}}</ref> The largest protest was planned for 30 June.<ref name="human">{{cite web|url=http://www.humanevents.com/2013/07/03/pro-morsi-terrorists-threaten-christians-against-protesting/ |title=Pro-Morsi Terrorists Threaten Christians against Protesting |publisher=Humanevents.com |accessdate=3 July 2013}}</ref>