Yıldız kale: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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4. satır:
==Genel bilgiler==
Yıldız kalelerin öncülü kalelerdir. Yüksek surları tarafından korunun kaledeki savunmacılar düşmanın tahkimata yaklaşmasına oklarla engel olmaya çalışrken, hücum edenler ise [[kale kapısı]]nı kırarak veya merdiven gibi kuşatma aletleriyle surlara çıkarak kale içine girmeye çalışırlardı. Coğrafi olarak da stratejik yerlere yapılan kalelerin bu sayede alınmaları oldukça zordur. 15. yüzyılla birlikte [[savaş topu]]nun muharebe alanına girmesiyle birlikte surlar yıkılmaya maruz kalmıştır. Buna önlem olarak istihkamcılar top ateşine maruz kalan bölgeleri [[tabya]]larla güçlendirmeye gitmiştir. Surlara saldıran düşmanın her açıdan ateş altında kalması ve görüş açısı sorunundan ötürü gizlenememesi için yıldız şekilli kale tasarımı geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca hakim mevizlerin düşman eline geçmesi durumunda bile savunulabilmesi için birbirlerinin menziline girecek şekilde konumlandırılmış toplara sahip yıldız kale tasarımları geliştirilmiştir. Bu şekilde surlara yaklaşmaya çalışan toplar da belirli bir menzilin ötesine geçirilmemekteydi. Yıldız kaleler eski kalelere göre daha alçak ve daha büyük bir araziye yerleşerek derinlemesine savunmaya izin vermektedir. Savunmadaki topçuların konumları çok iyi tahkim edilmiştir, mevzi düşmanın eline geçse bilr yıldız kale şeklinden dolayı kalenin merkezine doğru atış imkanı sınırlıdır.
10. satır:
The key to the fort's defence moved to the outer edge of the ditch surrounding the fort, known as the covered way, or covert way. Defenders could move relatively safely in the cover of the ditch and could engage in active countermeasures to keep control of the glacis, the open slope that lay outside the ditch, by creating defensive earthworks to deny the enemy access to the glacis and thus to firing points that could bear directly on to the walls and by digging counter mines to intercept and disrupt attempts to mine the fort walls.
Compared to medieval fortifications, forts became both lower and larger in area, providing defence in depth, with tiers of defences that an attacker needed to overcome in order to bring cannons to bear on the inner layers of defences.
Firing emplacements for defending cannons were heavily defended from bombardment by external fire, but open towards the inside of the fort, not only to diminish their usefulness to the attacker should they be overcome, but also to allow the large volumes of smoke that the defending cannons would generate to dissipate.
Fortifications of this type continued to be effective while the attackers were armed only with cannons, where the majority of the damage inflicted was caused by momentum from the impact of solid shot. While only low explosives such as black powder were available, explosive shells were largely ineffective against such fortifications. The development of mortars, high explosives, and the consequent large increase in the destructive power of explosive shells and thus plunging fire rendered the intricate geometry of such fortifications irrelevant. Warfare was to become more mobile. It took, however, many years to abandon the old fortress thinking.
Table of Fortification, from the 1728 Cyclopaedia
There were huge costs involved in creating the fortifications, with Amsterdam's 22 bastions costing it 11 million florins and Siena in 1544 bankrupted itself to pay for its defences. As such, they were often improvised from earlier defenses. Medieval curtain walls were torn down, and a ditch was dug in front of them. The earth used from the excavation was piled behind the walls to create a solid structure. While purpose-built fortifications would often have a brick fascia because of the material's ability to absorb the shock of artillery fire, many improvised defenses cut costs by leaving this stage out and instead opted for more earth. Improvisation could also consist of lowering medieval round towers and infilling them with earth to strengthen the structures.
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