Talassokrasi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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20. satır:
It was with the modern age, the Age of Exploration, that some of the most remarkable thalassocracies emerged. Anchored in their European territories, several nations establish colonial empires held together by naval supremacy. First among them was the Portuguese Empire, followed soon by the Spanish Empire, which was challenged by the Dutch Empire, itself replaced on the high seas by the British Empire, whose landed possessions were immense and held together by the greatest navy of its time. With naval arms races (especially between Germany and Britain) and the end of colonialism and the granting of independence to these colonies, European thalassocracies, which had controlled the world's oceans for centuries, ceased to be.
List of other examples
Ainu Confederation[citation needed]
Aleut Confederation[citation needed]
Aragonese Empire
Balinese Kingdom
British Empire
Brunei Sultanate
Bugis Confederation
Butuan Rajahnate
Carib Confederation[citation needed]
Chola Empire
Denmark-Norway (as separate Viking kingdoms and later as a unified empire)
Dorian Confederation
Kingdom of Dublin
Tribes of Galway
Haida Nation
Hanseatic League
Japanese Empire
Kingdom of Luzon (Now part of the Philippines)
Kalmar Union
Kingdom of the Isles (Now part of Scotland)
Latin Empire
Lusignan Empire (West central France, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of Cyprus)
Majapahit Empire
Kingdom of Majorca
Sultanate of Malacca and its successor, Sultanate of Johor
Mataram Kingdom and its successor, Kediri
Mataram Sultanate
Micronesian Empire
Minoan Civilization
Kingdom of Navarre (controlled Normandy in the mid-14th century and Greek lands in the late 14th century and had outposts in Newfoundland in the late 15th and early 16th centuries)
Norman Empire (although based in Western Europe, it spread during the Crusades to the central and eastern Mediterranean) and its successor, the Angevin Empire
Ryūkyū Kingdom
Sea Peoples Confederation
Sulu Sultanate
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Swedish Empire
Taíno Confederation
Tlingit Confederation
Tu'i Tonga Empire
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