Hoş geldiniz LisafBia!
değiştirMerhaba, yüzlerce dil sürümüne sahip olan Vikipedi'nin Türkçe sürümüne hoş geldiniz! Vikipedi tamamen gönüllü katılımcıların çabalarıyla hazırlanır ve aşağıda kolay bir başlangıç için yararlı olabilecek bazı bağlantılar yer almaktadır:
- İlk adımlar
- Viki biçimlendirme dili • Deneme tahtası • Biçem el kitabı • Madde sihirbazı
- Politika ve yönergeler
- Kuralların özeti • Beş temel taş • Çocuk koruma politikası • Telif hakları
- Kullanıcı ilişkileri
- Anlaşmazlıkların giderilmesi • İçerik üzerine yorum • Nezaket
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- Danışma masası • Köy çeşmesi • Sıkça sorulan sorular • Yardım sayfaları
Tartışma ve kullanıcı mesaj sayfalarında iletilerinizin sonuna "~~~~
" koduyla imza atabilirsiniz. Hata yapmaktan korkmayın, katkıda bulunmaktan çekinmeyin ve cesur olun! Kolay gelsin. LisafBia6531 msj 16.10, 27 Mart 2022 (UTC)
Growth News, July 2024
değiştirCommunity Configuration
değiştirThe Growth team released Community Configuration at all Wikipedias. You can access it at Special:CommunityConfiguration
This new special page replaces Special:EditGrowthConfig
. For now, all Growth features can be configured using Community Configuration. Configuration for AutoModerator (T365046) and other features will be available in the future.
You can help with translations. The interface translation is done at You can also help translate the documentation.
If you attend Wikimania 2024, please join us for the session about Community configuration's future!
Current work
değiştirNewcomer Homepage Community Updates module
We will add a new Community Configurable module to the Newcomer Homepage that will allow communities to highlight specific events, projects, campaigns, and initiatives. We have released a simple version available to beta wikis. We will conduct an A/B test at our pilot wikis using the new Metrics Platform. We still welcome community feedback on initial designs and plans, in any language at our project talk page.
Future work
değiştirIncrease constructive activation on mobile
As part of the Growth team 2024/2025 Annual Plan, the Growth team will explore various ways to increase the percentage of newcomers who successfully start editing.
Editing a Wikipedia page requires too much context and patience. It means many trial and error for newcomers to contribute, meaning a steeper learning curve and potential discouraging reverts. To support a new generation of volunteers, we will increase the number and availability of smaller, structured, and more task-specific editing workflows (E.g. Edit Check and Structured Tasks). The Growth team will primarily focus on Structured Tasks, while working closely with the Editing team to ensure our work integrates well with Edit Check.
Stay informed
değiştirGrowth team weekly updates are available on wiki (in English) if you want to know more about our day-to-day work. If you want to receive more general updates about technical activity happening across the Wikimedia movement (including Growth work), we encourage you to subscribe to Tech News.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
15.08, 30 Temmuz 2024 (UTC)