Kullanıcı:Anaforizm/deneme tahtası

Geçici adlandırma değiştir

A newly discovered minor planet is given a provisional designation. For example, the provisional designation 2002 AT4 consists of the year of discovery (2002) and an alphanumeric code indicating the half-month of discovery and the sequence within that half-month. Once an asteroid's orbit has been confirmed, it is given a number, and later may also be given a name (e.g. 433 Eros). The formal naming convention uses parentheses around the number, but dropping the parentheses is quite common. Informally, it is common to drop the number altogether or to drop it after the first mention when a name is repeated in running text.

Minor planets that have been given a number but not a name keep their provisional designation, e.g. (29075) 1950 DA. Because modern discovery techniques are finding vast numbers of new asteroids, they are increasingly being left unnamed. The earliest discovered to be left unnamed was for a long time (3360) 1981 VA, now 3360 Syrinx. In November 2006 its position as the lowest-numbered unnamed asteroid passed to (3708) 1974 FV1 (now 3708 Socus), and in May 2021 to (4596) 1981 QB. On rare occasions, a small object's provisional designation may become used as a name in itself: the then-unnamed (15760) 1992 QB1 gave its "name" to a group of objects that became known as classical Kuiper belt objects ("cubewanos") before it was finally named 15760 Albion in January 2018.[1]

A few objects are cross-listed as both comets and asteroids, such as 4015 Wilson–Harrington, which is also listed as 107P/Wilson–Harrington.

Numaralandırma değiştir

Minor planets are awarded an official number once their orbits are confirmed. With the increasing rapidity of discovery, these are now six-figure numbers. The switch from five figures to six figures arrived with the publication of the Minor Planet Circular (MPC) of October 19, 2005, which saw the highest-numbered minor planet jump from 99947 to 118161.[2]

İsimlendirme değiştir

The first few asteroids were named after figures from Greek and Roman mythology, but as such names started to dwindle the names of famous people, literary characters, discoverers' spouses, children, colleagues, and even television characters were used.

Cinsiyet değiştir

The first asteroid to be given a non-mythological name was 20 Massalia, named after the Greek name for the city of Marseille.[3] The first to be given an entirely non-Classical name was 45 Eugenia, named after Empress Eugénie de Montijo, the wife of Napoleon III. For some time only female (or feminized) names were used; Alexander von Humboldt was the first man to have an asteroid named after him, but his name was feminized to 54 Alexandra. This unspoken tradition lasted until 334 Chicago was named; even then, female names showed up in the list for years after.

İlginç veya özel isimlendirmeler değiştir

As the number of asteroids began to run into the hundreds, and eventually, in the thousands, discoverers began to give them increasingly frivolous names. The first hints of this were 482 Petrina and 483 Seppina, named after the discoverer's pet dogs. However, there was little controversy about this until 1971, upon the naming of 2309 Mr. Spock (the name of the discoverer's cat). Although the IAU subsequently discouraged the use of pet names as sources,[4] eccentric asteroid names are still being proposed and accepted, such as 4321 Zero, 6042 Cheshirecat, 9007 James Bond, 13579 Allodd and 24680 Alleven, and 26858 Misterrogers.

Kaşif onuruna verilen isimler değiştir

A well-established rule is that, unlike comets, minor planets may not be named after their discoverer(s). One way to circumvent this rule has been for astronomers to exchange the courtesy of naming their discoveries after each other. Rare exceptions to this rule are 1927 Suvanto and 96747 Crespodasilva. 1927 Suvanto was named after its discoverer, Rafael Suvanto, posthumously by the Minor Planet Center. He died four years after the discovery in the last days of the Finnish winter war of 1939-40.[5] 96747 Crespodasilva was named after its discoverer, Lucy d'Escoffier Crespo da Silva, because she died shortly after the discovery, at age 22.[6][7]

Diller değiştir

Names were adapted to various languages from the beginning. 1 Ceres, Ceres being its Anglo-Latin name, was actually named Cerere, the Italian form of the name. German, French, Arabic, and Hindi use forms similar to the English, whereas Russian uses a form, Tserera, similar to the Italian. In Greek, the name was translated to Δήμητρα (Demeter), the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Ceres. In the early years, before it started causing conflicts, asteroids named after Roman figures were generally translated in Greek; other examples are Ἥρα (Hera) for 3 Juno, Ἑστία (Hestia) for 4 Vesta, Χλωρίς (Chloris) for 8 Flora, and Πίστη (Pistis) for 37 Fides. In Chinese, the names are not given the Chinese forms of the deities they are named after, but rather typically have a syllable or two for the character of the deity or person, followed by 神 'god(dess)' or 女 'woman' if just one syllable, plus 星 'star/planet', so that most asteroid names are written with three Chinese characters. Thus Ceres is 穀神星 'grain goddess planet',[8] Pallas is 智神星 'wisdom goddess planet', etc.[kaynak belirtilmeli]
  1. ^ Dr. David Jewitt. "Classical Kuiper Belt Objects". David Jewitt/UCLA. Erişim tarihi: July 1, 2013. 
  2. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; MPC-ArchiveStatistics isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  3. ^ Schmadel, Lutz (10 June 2012). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names (6 bas.). Springer. s. 15. ISBN 9783642297182. 
  4. ^ "Naming Astronomical Objects". International Astronomical Union. Erişim tarihi: July 1, 2013. 
  5. ^ NASA JPL Small-Body Database Browser on 1927 Suvanto
  6. ^ NASA JPL Small-Body Database Browser on 96747 Crespodasilva
  7. ^ Staff (November 28, 2000). "Lucy Crespo da Silva, 22, a senior, dies in fall". Hubble News Desk. Erişim tarihi: 2008-04-15. 
  8. ^ 谷 'valley' being a common abbreviation of 穀 'grain' that would be formally adopted with simplified Chinese characters.