Eudokia Baïana: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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'''Eudokia Baïana''' (ö. 12 Nisan 901) Bizans İmparatoru [[VI. Leon]]'un üçüncü karısı.
Vakanüvis [[Günah Çıkartıcı Teofanes]]'in Vakainamelerinin (kronikler) [[VII. Konstantin]] döneminde yaşayan yazarlar tarafından devam ettirilmiş [[Theofanes Continuatus]] adlı Vakainameye göreVakainamede, hakkında çok az datay kayıt edilmiştir.
According to Theophanes, Eudokia came from the [[Opsician Theme]]. The Opsician Theme was originally composed of all of [[Bithynia]] and [[Paphlagonia]], stretching from [[Abydos, Hellespont|Abydos]] on the [[Dardanelles]] to [[Sinop, Turkey|Sinope]] on the [[Black Sea]] and inland to [[Ancyra]]. In the 20th century, the lands once belonging to the Theme form most of the northwestern quarter of [[Asia]]tic [[Turkey]].
Theofanes'e göre, Eudokia Anadolu'nun kuzey batısında bulunana Opsikion [[thema]]sındandır.
In Spring, 900, Leo VI married Eudokia. His previous two wives had predeceased him. [[De Ceremoniis]] by Constantine VII names as many as three daughters born of the previous marriages but no son. Leo wanted to secure his succession by this marriage. [[George Alexandrovič Ostrogorsky]] points that a third marriage was technically illegal under [[Byzantine law]] and against the practices of the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]] at the time. Leo VI had to seek permission by [[Ecumenical Patriarch Antony II of Constantinople]].
900 yılının baharında, VI. Leon, Eudokia ile evlendi. Önceki iki karısı erken ölmüşlerdi. [[VII. Konstantin]]'in, ''[[De Ceremoniis]]'' adlı kitabına göre bu evliliklerden üç kız çocuğu olmuş ama oğlu olmamıştı. Bu evlilikle ardılını güvence altına almak istiyordu.
In Spring, 900, Leo VI married Eudokia. His previous two wives had predeceased him. [[De Ceremoniis]] by Constantine VII names as many as three daughters born of the previous marriages but no son. Leo wanted to secure his succession by this marriage. [[George Alexandrovič Ostrogorsky]] points that a third marriage was technically illegal under [[Byzantine law]] and against the practices of the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]] at the time. Leo VI had to seek permission by [[Ecumenical Patriarch Antony II of Constantinople]].
A year later Eudokia [[Maternal death|died while giving birth]]. Theophanes considers the son [[Stillbirth|stillborn]] and unnamed. However "De Ceremoniis" while listing the children of Leo VI names a son called Basil, which might indicate her son survived long enough to be named. "De Ceremoniis" gives her burial place as the [[Church of the Holy Apostles]] in [[Constantinople]].
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