Güney Ordu Grubu: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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35. satır:
== Poland campaign ==
Germany used two army groups to invade [[PolandPolanya]] in 1939: [[ArmyKuzey GroupOrdular NorthGrubu]] and Army Group South. In this campaign Army Group South was led by [[Gerd von Rundstedt]] and his [[Chief of staff (military)|chief ofKurmay staffbaşkanı]] [[Erich von Manstein]].
== Eastern Front ==
ArmyGüney GroupOrdular SouthGrubu was one of three army groups into which the Germans organised their forces for [[OperationBarbarossa BarbarossaHarekâtı]]. ArmyGüney GroupOrdular SouthGrubu'snun principal objective was to capture [[UkraineUkrayna]] and its capital [[Kiev]]. The UkraineUkrayna was a major center of Soviet industry and mining and had the good farmland required for Hitler's plans for [[Lebensraum]] ('living space').
ArmyGüney GroupOrdular SouthGrubu was then to advance up to the [[Volga River]], subsequently draining a portion of the [[Red Army]] and thus clearing the way for the [[ArmyKuzey GroupOrdular NorthGrubu]] and the [[Army Group Centre|ArmyMerkez GroupOrdular CenterGrubu]] on their approach to [[SaintSt. Petersburg|Leningrad]] and [[Moscow]] respectively.
To carry out these initial tasks its battle order included the [[German First1. Panzer ArmyOrdusu|First1. Panzer GroupGrubu]] and the German [[German16. SixthOrdu Army(Almanya)|Sixth6.]], [[Seventeenth17. ArmyOrdu (GermanyAlmanya)|Seventeenth17.]] andve [[German11. EleventhOrdu Army(Almanya)|Eleventh11.]] Armiesordular, andve the RomanianRumen [[Romanian3. ThirdOrdu Army(Romanya)|Third3.]] andve [[Romanian4. FourthOrdu Army(Romanya)|Fourth4.]] Armiesordular.
The [[German6. SixthOrdu Army(Almanya)|6. Ordu]], which fought in the destructive [[BattleStalingrad of StalingradSavaşı]], was later made part of Army Group South.
In preparation for [[OperationMavi BlueHerekâtı]], the 1942 campaign in southern Russia and the Caucasus, Army Group South was split into two armies: [[ArmyOrdular GroupGrubu A]] andve [[ArmyOrdular GroupGrubu B]].
In February 1943, [[ArmyDon GroupOrdular DonGrubu]] and the existing [[Army Group B]] were combined and re-designated ArmyGüney GroupOrdular SouthGrubu. A new [[ArmyOrdular GroupGrubu B]] became a major formation elsewhere.
On [[4 AprilNisan]] [[1944]], Army Group South was re-designated [[ArmyKuzey GroupUkrayna NorthOrdular UkraineGrubu]]. Kuzey Army GroupUkrayna NorthOrdular UkraineGrubu existed from [[4 AprilNisan]] to [[28 SeptemberEylül]].
In September 1944, [[ArmyGüney GroupUkrayna SouthOrdular UkraineGrubu]] was again re-designated Army Group South.
== Komutanlar ==