4. Ordu (Sovyetler Birliği): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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32. satır:
'''4. Ordu''' ([[Rusça]]: 4-я армия), [[Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği|SSCB]]'nin [[Kızıl Ordu]]'suna bağlı [[ordu (askeriye)|ordu]].
[[II. Dünya Savaşı]] sırasında [[Doğu Cephesi (II. Dünya Savaşı)|Doğu Cephesi]]'nde ve [[Soğuk Savaş]] sırasında Kafkasya'da hizmet etmiştir. ItSovyetler wasBirliği'nin disbandeddağılmasından aftersonra thelağvedilmiş fallve ofkomuta thealtındaki Soviettümenler Union,Rusya'ya withçekilip its divisions being withdrawn to Russia and disbandedfeshedilmişlerdir.
==II. Dünya Savaşı==
===Kuruluş ve Polonya Seferi===
4. Ordu was created in Ağustos [[1939]] in the'da [[Beyaz Rusya Özel Askerî Bölgesi]] from the!nde Bobruisk Ordular Grubu as'ndan bağımsız ordu olarak kurulmuştur.<ref>BOVO (00 СВЭ, Ô.8, ß.468.)(00 СВЭ, т.8, с.468.) 00; Western Special MD, A.G. Lenskii, Сухопутные силы РККА в предвоенные годы. Справочник. — Санкт-Петербург Б&К, 2000</ref> Eylül [[1939]]'da 4. Ordu, tookileriki part in theyıllarda [[SovyetlerinStalingrad Polonya SeferiSavaşı|Stalingrad]]nde'ın gelecektekikoruyucusu olarak Sovyetler Birliği MareşaliMareşalliğine kadar yükselecek olan [[Vasiliy Çuykov]] komutasında, the defender of [[StalingradSovyetlerin Savaşı]].Polonya ItsSeferi|Polonya order of battle in that operation is listed [[Soviet order of battle for invasion of Poland in 1939|hereSeferi]].ne katılmıştır.
When Nazi Almanyası'nın invasion of the Sovvyetler Birliği commenced on 22 Haziran 1941, the Army was part of the [[BatuBatı Cephesi (SSCB)|Batı Cephesi]] and had the 28. Piyade Kolordusu ([[6. Piyade Tümeni (SSCB)|6. Piyade Tümeni]] ve 42. Piyade Tümeni), 14. Mekanize Kolordu ve 49. ve 75. piyade tümenleri,<ref>Niehorster, [http://orbat.com/site/ww2/drleo/012_ussr/41_oob/western/army_04.html Order of Battle, 22 June 1941]</ref> as well as the 62. Müstahkem Tümeni. Batı Cephesi komutanı Orgeneral (Polkovnik) [[Dmitriy Grigoreviç Pavlov]] had decided to redeploy some of 4. Ordu's troops early in 1941, and 12. Piyade Tümeni was accordingly moved into [[Brest, Beyaz Rusya|Brest]] ve 14. Mekanize Kolordu karargâahı to [[Kobrin]], which in Erickson’s words, ‘deprived 4th Army simultaneously of its reserve and its second echelon.’<ref>John Erickson, ''Road to Stalingrad'', 2003 Cassel Military Paperbacks edition, p.86-7.</ref> Facing the 4. Ordu across the [[Bug Nehri]] was deployed the German [[4. Ordu (Almanya)|4. Ordu]], with oniki piyade tümeni ve bir süvari tümeni, as well as [[2. Panzer Ordusu (Almanya)|2. Panzer Grubu]]. Some units faced several difficulties; when Tümgeneral A. A. Horobkov, the army commander, saw his officers on 10 Haziran, Tümgeneral S. İ. Oborin, 14. Mekanize Kolordu komutanı, emphasized that more than half his soldiers were untrained recruits, that his artillery had received guns for which there was no ammunition, and that he only had enough lorries to make a quarter of the corps mobile – the rest would have to march.<ref>Erickson, 2003 edition, p.90-1</ref>
On the eve of the attack, 4. Ordu suffered, as did many Soviet formations, from German communication sabotage. Units lost telephone connections, electrical power, and the [[Brest Fortress]] lost its water supply. From about 5 am on 22 Haziran fierce fighting began around the Brest fortress, but the seven battalions around the fortress, from 28. Piyade Kolordusu, were undermanned, disorganized, and slow off the mark to man the defences. Despite these deficiencies the final German reduction of the fortress took some time in the face of determined Soviet resistance. By 1600 hours on 22 Haziran, 4. Army karargâhı was back at Zapruda, whereupon Front HQ ordered that 14. Mekanize Kolordu be launched in an attack to clear Brest and reach the frontier line. However the Army staff felt the plan had no chance of success, and so it proved; when the attack was launched the next day, only insignificant progress was made.<ref>Erickson, 2003, p.130-1, 133</ref> Three days later Batı Cephesi ordered a general withdrawal to try and keep the frontier armies out of threatened German encirclement; 4. Ordu was directed to fall back on a line from Bytin to [[Pinsk]]. Further instructions came through from Pavlov after a chance meeting later the same day; to cover the concentration of reserve armies on the Dinyeper, 4. Ordu was to hold the Shchara, the [[Slutsk]] ‘fortified district,’ and the Sluch river line. However the Slutsk fortified district, as the district commander reminded Horobkov, had long ago been instructed to dispatch all its weapons to the [[Brest fortress]] (which was continuing to hold). The planned defence was thus practically non-existent, and [[Slutsk]] fell on 27 June.<ref>Erickson, 2003, p.150-2, 155</ref> The Army took part in the defenses of the area around [[Slavgorod|Propoisk]].