Aletsch Buzulu: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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İçerik silindi İçerik eklendi
13 Mayıs'da vandalizm yapılmış, geri alındı
34. satır:
Kısa süreli iklim değişkenliklerine karşı buzul, kütlesinin büyüklüğünden dolayı görece bağışıklıdır. Diper birçok buzulun aksine yetmişli yılların sonu ile seksenlerin başında Aletsch Buzulu geçici soğumalara ve aynı şekilde sıcaklıklara çok az tepki vermiştir. [[1983]] 'den beri son yıllardaki sürekli artan aşırı sıcaklıklar sebebiyle, diğer tüm Alp buzulları gibi Aletsch de belirgin bir şekilde çekilmektedir.
GIF Colour Mapper is a useful tool for quickly changing colours in the palettes of a number of GIF files. This can be useful when you want to change the design or colour scheme of your WEB site. Say you have a big number of GIF files used in your pages, and occasionally want to change their background colour from grey to blue. Doing so using editor is a slow operation. The better solution is use the GIF Colour Mapper.
Follow these steps to map the colours in your GIF files.
Click the Add files to select the files you want to change.
If you want to remove some files from the list, select them and press Remove files.
Set the value of the colour you want to change, as well as the value of the colour to replace the old value. You may set the colour explicitly by value, or by using the ChooseColour dialog or by using the built-in ColourSpy.
Click the Start mapping button.
If you want to change more colours in your files, repeat steps 3-4.
If you use the ColourSpy for choosing colour, please note that the colour returned is the DISPLAYED colour, which may differ from the corresponding value of the palette entry of the GIF File. The colour returned is reported by the graphics adapter, not by the file. So if you use colour depth less than 24 bpp, you may be reported colour close to the palette entry, but not precisely corresponding to it.
== Turizm ==
Satır 81 ⟶ 69:
[[fr:Glacier d'Aletsch]]
[[it:Ghiacciaio dell'Aletsch]]
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