Kullanıcı:Chidgk1/deneme tahtası: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

İçerik silindi İçerik eklendi
ListeriaBot (mesaj | katkılar)
Wikidata list updated [V2]
Chidgk1 (mesaj | katkılar)
Değişiklik özeti yok
9. satır:
?item wdt:P17 wd:Q43 . # ?item is in Turkey
?item wdt:P5817 wd:Q55654238 . # ?item state of use is "in use"
optional {?item p:P4131 ?stat19 . # Electricity generated by year
?stat19 ps:P4131 ?2019 .
?stat19 pq:P585 ?year19
17. satır:
?stat20 pq:P585 ?year20
filter(year(?year20)=2020) }
optional {?item p:P4131 ?stat21 . # To add another year duplicate these 4 lines and add one to all the year numbers. Also add the column below.
?stat21 ps:P4131 ?2021 . # And add the data to Wikidata of course - if you could automate adding the data please document how.
?stat21 ps:P4131 ?2021 .
?stat21 pq:P585 ?year21
filter(year(?year21)=2021) }