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Tyrex rean (mesaj | katkılar)
Yeni sayfa: {{çeviri}} {{Roma İdari Teşkilatı}} '''Roma Kralı''' (Latince: ''rex, regis'') Roma Krallığı'nın baş magistrası. Romanın kurucusu olan ve bu sebeple kendiliğinden kr...
Tyrex rean (mesaj | katkılar)
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==Genel bakış==
Roma'nın antik tarihçileri Roma Krallarının gücünü Cumhuriyet döneminde onlara karşılık gelen Konsüllerin güçleriyle karşılaştırma konusunda güçlük çekmişlerdir. Bazı modern tarihçiler Kralların yönetimindeki Romanın hakim gücünün halkın elinde olduğuna ve Kralların sadece Senato ve halk için yönetici olduklarına inanırlar -- ki bu Roma'yı bir [[anayasal monarşi]] yapar. Diğerleri ise Kralın sınırsız bir hüküm gücüne sahip olduğuna ve Senato ve halkın bu güç üzerindeki kontrolünün sınırlı olduğuna inanır -- ki bu da Roma'yı bir [[mutlak monarşi]] yapar.
The ancient historians of Rome make it difficult to determine the powers of the king versus the powers of their later republican counterparts, the consuls. Some modern writers believe that the supreme power of Rome under the kings resided in the hands of the people and that the kings were merely chief executives for the Senate and people -- that is, that Rome was a [[constitutional monarchy]]. Others believe that the kings possessed sovereign powers and that the Senate and people could exercise only minor checks upon these powers -- that is, that Rome was an [[absolute monarchy]].
TheRoma insigniaKralının of the kings of Rome werealâmetleri, twelveoniki [[lictor]]s'un wielding thetaşıdığı [[fasces]] bearingve axesbalta, the right to sit upon a [[Curule chairsandalyesi]]nde oturma hakkı, the purplemor [[Toga|Toga Picta]], redkırmızı shoes,ayakkabılar ve andbaşa atakılan whitebeyaz [[Diadem (personal wear)|diadem]] around the headdir. OfTüm all these insignia,bu thealâmetler mostarasında importanten wasönemli theolanı purplemor toga'dır.
Rex'in sıfatında vücud bulan devletin hakim gücünü ona şu görevleri yüklemiştir:
The supreme power of the state was vested in the Rex, whose position made him the:
*(1) '''Yönetimin başı''' - servedkanunları asuygulama thegücüne chiefsahip executivebaş withyönetici theolarak powergörev to enforce the lawsyapmış, manageddevlete allait statetüm ownedtoprakları propertyyönetmiş, disposedfethedilmiş oftoprakları conquered territory,düzenlemiş andve oversawtüm allkamu [[publicişerini works]]denetlemiştir.
*(2) '''Baş komutan''' - Roma askerlerinin komutanlığını yapmış, Roma Lejyonlarını organize etmiş, ordu komutanlarını atamış ve savaşları yöneymiştir.
*(2) '''Baş komutan''' - commander of the [[Roman military]] with the sole power to levy and organized the [[Roman legion|legions]], to appoint military leaders, and to conduct war
*(3) '''Devletin başı''' - servedRoma'nın asbaş thetemsilcisi chiefolarak representativeyabancı ofgüçlerle Romeilişkileri inyürütmüş itsve relationsdiğer withülkelerden foreigngelen powerstemsilcileri andkabul received all foreign ambassadorsetmiştir.
*(4) '''[[Pontifex Maximus|Baş Rahip]]''' - servedSahip asolduğu officialresmi representativetemsil ofyetkisi Romeve andRoma herdini peopleüzerindeki beforeyönetici thepozisyonu [[Romannedeniyle, gods]]Roma withve theonun power of general administrative control over thehalkını [[RomanRoma religiontanrıları]]'na karşı temsil etmiştir.
*(5) '''Baş kanun koyucu''' - formulatedkanun andteklifleri proposedhazırlamış legislativeve proposalsihtiyaçlara andkarar he deemed necessaryvermiştir.
*(6) '''Baş yargıç''' - adjudicatedTüm allkamu civilve andceza criminaldavalarında caseshüküm vermiştir.
===Baş rahip===
What is known for certain is that the king alone possessed the right to the [[auspice]] on behalf of Rome as its chief [[augur]], and no public business could be performed without the will of the gods made known through auspices. The people knew the king as a mediator between them and the gods and thus viewed the king with religious awe. This made the king the head of the [[Roman mythology|national religion]] and its chief executive. Having the power to control the [[Roman calendar]], he conducted all religious ceremonies and appointed lower religious offices and officers. It was Romulus who instituted the augurs and was who believed to have been the best augur of all. Likewise, King [[Numa Pompilius]] instituted the [[pontiff]]s and through them developed the foundations of the religious [[dogma]] of Rome.
===Baş yönetici===
Beyond his religious authority, the king was invested with the supreme military, executive, and judicial authority through the use of [[imperium]]. The imperium of the king was held for life and protected him from ever being brought to trial for his actions. As being the sole owner of imperium in Rome at the time, the king possessed ultimate [[executive power]] and unchecked military authority as the [[commander-in-chief]] of all Rome's [[Roman legion|legions]]. His executive power and his sole imperium allowed him to issue [[decrees]] with the force of law. Also, the laws that kept citizens safe from the misuse of magistrates owning imperium did not exist during the times of the king.
Another power of the king was the power to either appoint or nominate all officials to offices. The king would appoint a [[Tribune|tribunus celerum]] to serve as both the tribune of Ramnes tribe in Rome but also as the commander of the king's personal bodyguard, the [[Celeres]]. The king was required to appoint the tribune upon entering office and the tribune left office upon the king's death. The tribune was second in rank to the king and also possessed the power to convene the Curiate Assembly and lay legislation before it.
Another officer appointed by the king was the [[praefectus urbi]], which acted as the warden of the city. When the king was absent from the city, the prefect held all of the king's powers and abilities, even to the point of being bestowed with imperium while inside the city. The king even received the right to be the sole person to appoint patricians to the Senate.
===Baş yargıç===
The king's imperium granted him both military powers as well as qualified him to pronounce legal judgment in all cases as the chief justice of Rome. Though he could assign pontiffs to act as minor judges in some cases, he had supreme authority in all cases brought before him, both civil and criminal. This made the king supreme in times of both war and peace. While some writers believed there was no appeal from the king's decisions, others believed that a proposal for appeal could be brought before the king by any [[patrician]] during a meeting of the [[Roman assemblies|Curiate Assembly]].
To assist the king, A council advised the king during all trials, but this council had no power to control the king's decisions. Also, two criminal detectives (Quaestores Parridici) were appointed by him as well as a two man criminal court (Duumviri Perduellionis) which oversaw for cases of [[treason]].
===Baş kanun koyucu===
Under the kings, the Senate and Curiate Assembly had very little power and authority; they were not independent bodies in that they possessed the right to meet together and discuss questions of state. They could only be called together by the king and could only discuss the matters the king laid before them. While the Curiate Assembly did have the power to pass laws that had been submitted by the king, the Senate was effectively an honorable council. It could advise the king on his action but by no means could prevent him from acting. The only thing that the king could not do without the approval of the Senate and Curiate Assemnbly was to declare war against a foreign nation. These issues effectively allowed the King to more or less [[rule by decree]] with the exception of the above mentioned affairs.
==Kralların seçimi==
Kral öldüğünde Roma ''[[interregnum]]'' olarak bilinen ve yöneticinin olmadığı bir çeşit ara döneme giriyordu. Devletin hakim gücü, yeni kralın bulunmasından sorumlu olan Senato haline geliyordu. Senato toplanarak üyelerinden birisini beş günlük bir süre için Roma'nın bir sonraki kralını bulması amacıyla [[interrex]] olarak atıyordu. Beş günlük süre sona erince, yeni bir beş gün için yeni bir interrex atanıyordu. Süreç yeni kral seçilene kadar bu şekilde devam ediyordu. İnterrex uygun bir aday bulduğunda, adayın adını Senato oturumunda diğer üyelere açıklıyor ve Senato da bu adayı değerlendiyordu. Eğer isim Senato tarafından uygun bulunursa, interrex Curiate meclisini toplantıya çağırıyor ve kralın seçimine kadar geçen sürede başkanlığını yürütüyordu.
Whenever a king died, Rome entered a period of ''[[interregnum]]''. Supreme power of the state would devolve to the Senate, who was responsible for finding a new king. The Senate would assemble and appoint one of its own members the [[interrex]] to serve for a period of five days with the sole purpose of nominating the next king of Rome. After the five day period, the interrex would appoint (with the Senate's consent) another Senator for another five day term. This process would continue until a new king was elected. Once the interrex found a suitable nominee to the kingship, he would bring the nominee before the Senate and the Senate would review him. If the Senate passed the nominee, the interrex would convene the Curiate Assembly and presided as its president during the election of the King.
Once proposed to the Curiate Assembly, the people of Rome could either accept or reject him. If accepted, the king-elect did not immediately enter office. Two other acts had still to take place before he was invested with the full regal authority and power. First it was necessary to obtain the divine will of the gods respecting his appointment by means of the [[auspices]], since the king would serve as high priest of Rome. This ceremony was performed by an [[augur]], who conducted the king-elect to the citadel where he was placed on a stone seat as the people waited below. If found worthy of the kingship, the augur announced that the gods had given favorable tokens, thus confirming the king’s priestly character.
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