Arpiar Arpiaryan: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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26. satır:
== Kahire'ye seyahati ve suikast ==
1901–1902'de [[Paris]]'e ve ardından Venedik'e gitti ve burada en başarılı eseri olan ''Garmir Jamuts'' (Կարմիր Ժամուց, Kızıl Teklif) isimli kısa romanını yazdı. 1905'te [[Kahire]]'ye gitti. Kahire'de, ''Shirag''' (Շիրակ) isimli aylık edebi dergi düzenledi ve ''Lusaper'' (Լուսաբեր, Lucifer: ışık taşıyan) isimli yerel gazeteye katkıda bulundu.<ref name="heritage"/>
In 1901–1902, he traveled to [[Paris]] and then Venice where he wrote his most successful work, the novella ''Garmir Jamuts'' (Կարմիր Ժամուց, The Crimson Offering). In 1905, he traveled to [[Cairo]]. In Cairo, he edited the literary monthly review ''Shirag'' (Շիրակ) and contributed in the local paper, ''Lusaper'' (Լուսաբեր, Lucifer: light-bearer).<ref name="heritage"/>
In 1908'de, his political enemies assassinated himArpiaryan whilepazardan Arpiarianeve wasdönerken returningsiyasi homedüşmanları fromona thesuikast marketdüzenledi.<ref name="hye"/>
== Legacy and works ==
== Mirası ve çalışmaları ==
Arpiarian is considered the founder of realism in modern [[Armenian literature]], the leader of a literary movement without an established school. While many writers were into [[romanticism]] at the time, he introduced a new trend that revolutionized Armenian literature.<ref name="heritage"/> He gained the confidence of his readers by expressing his thoughts honestly and without shame. He was the mentor of an entire generation of Armenian [[Realism (arts)|realist]] writers such as [[Tigran Kamsarakan]], [[Levon Pashalian]] and [[Erukhan]].<ref name="heritage"/>