Bizans Rumları: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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74. satır:
Bizans toplumu kadınlar hakkında çok az kayıt bıraktığı için, onlar [[Bizantoloji]]de göz ardı edilme eğilimindeydi.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=117}} Kadınlar, yasal statülerinin bazı yönlerinde ve eğitime erişimde erkeklere göre daha yoksundular ve hareket özgürlükleri de sınırlıydı.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=118}} Bizanslı Rum bir kadının hayatı üç aşamaya ayrılabilir: [[kız]]lık, [[anne]]lik ve [[dul]]luk.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=119}}
Çocukluk kısa ve tehlikeliydi, hatta kızlar için erkeklerden çok daha fazla.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=119}} Ebeveynler bir erkek çocuğun doğumunu iki kat daha fazla kutluyordu ve hem medeni hem de dini kanunlara aykırı olmasına rağmen, kız çocuklarının öldürüldüğüne dair bazı kanıtlar (yani yol kenarında terk ve boğulma) vardır.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=119}}
Parents would celebrate the birth of a boy twice as much and there is some evidence of female infanticide (i.e. roadside abandonment and suffocation), though it was contrary to both civil and canon law.{{Kdş|Cavallo|1997|p=119}} Educational opportunities for girls were few: they did not attend regular schools but were taught in groups at home by tutors.<ref>{{harvnb|Cavallo|1997|pp=119–120}}.</ref> With few exceptions, education was limited to literacy and the [[Bible]]; a famous exception is the princess [[Anna Komnene]] (1083–1153), whose ''[[Alexiad]]'' displays a great depth of erudition, and the renowned 9th century Byzantine poet and composer [[Kassiani]].<ref name="Cavallo120">{{harvnb|Cavallo|1997|p=120}}.</ref> The majority of a young girl's daily life would be spent in household and agrarian chores, preparing herself for marriage.<ref name="Cavallo120"/>
For most girls, [[childhood]] came to an end with the onset of [[puberty]], which was followed shortly after by betrothal and marriage.<ref name="Cavallo121">{{harvnb|Cavallo|1997|p=121}}.</ref> Although marriage arranged by the family was the norm, romantic love was not unknown.<ref name="Cavallo121"/> Most women bore many children but few survived infancy, and grief for the loss of a loved one was an inalienable part of life.<ref>{{harvnb|Cavallo|1997|p=124}}.</ref> The main form of birth control was abstinence, and while there is evidence of contraception it seems to have been mainly used by prostitutes.<ref>{{harvnb|Cavallo|1997|p=125}}.</ref>
84. satır:
Although female life expectancy in Byzantium was lower than that of men, due to death in childbirth, wars and the fact that men married younger, female widowhood was still fairly common.<ref name="Cavallo128"/> Still, some women were able to circumvent societal strictures and work as traders, artisans, abbots, entertainers, and scholars.<ref>{{harvnb|Rautman|2006|p=26}}.</ref>
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