Dünya: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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17. satır:
| avg_speed = {{dönüştürme|29.78|km/s|km/h mph|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x|<ref name="earth_fact_sheet">{{Web kaynağı | url = https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/earthfact.html | başlık = Earth Fact Sheet | yayıncı = NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center | ad = David R. | soyadı = Williams | tarih = 16 Mart 2017 | erişimtarihi = 26 Temmuz 2018 | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/19961219024156/https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/earthfact.html | arşivtarihi = 19 Aralık 1996}}</ref><br /><small>(|)</small>}}
| mean_anomaly = {{val|358.617|u=°}}
| inclination = {{ublistMadde işaretsiz liste|class=nowrap |{{val|7.155|u=°}} ([[Güneş]]'in [[ekvator]]una göre); |{{val|1.57869|u=°}}<ref name="Allen294">{{Kitap kaynağı |başlık=Allen's Astrophysical Quantities |soyadı1=Allen |ad1=Clabon Walter |soyadı2=Cox |ad2=Arthur N. |yayıncı=Springer |tarih=2000 |isbn=978-0-387-98746-0 |url=https://books.google.com/?id=w8PK2XFLLH8C&pg=PA294 |sayfa=294 |erişimtarihi=13 Mart 2011}}</ref> ([[değişmeyen düzlem]]e göre); |{{val|0.00005|u=°}} (J2000 [[tutulum]]una göre)}}
| asc_node = {{val|-11.26064|u=°}}<ref name="earth_fact_sheet" /> (J2000 tutulumuna göre)
| arg_peri = {{val|114.20783|u=°}}<ref name="earth_fact_sheet" />
| satellites =
{{Madde işaretsiz liste
{{unbulleted list
| 1 doğal uydu: [[Ay]]
| 5 [[sanki uydu]]
33. satır:
| flattening = {{val|0.0033528}}<ref name="IERS2004">{{Kitap kaynağı |erişimtarihi=29 Nisan 2016 |yazar=International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) Working Group |bölüm=General Definitions and Numerical Standards |bölüm-url=http://www.iers.org/SharedDocs/Publikationen/EN/IERS/Publications/tn/TechnNote32/tn32_009.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 |editör-ad=Dennis D. |editör-soyadı=McCarthy |editör2-ad=Gérard |editör2-soyadı=Petit |url=http://www.iers.org/SharedDocs/Publikationen/EN/IERS/Publications/tn/TechnNote32/tn32.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 |başlık=IERS Conventions (2003) |yayıncı=Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie |eser=IERS Technical Note No. 32 |yıl=2004 |biçim=PDF |konum=Frankfurt am Main |sayfa=12 |isbn=978-3-89888-884-4}}</ref><br />1/{{val|298.257222101}} ([[ETRS89]])
| circumference =
{{unbulletedMadde listişaretsiz liste |class=nowrap
| {{dönüştürme|40075.017|km|mi|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x| <small>[[ekvator]]yal (|)</small>}}<ref name="WGS-84">[[World Geodetic System]] (''WGS-84''). [http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/ Available online] from [[National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency]].</ref>
| {{dönüştürme|40007.86|km|mi|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x| <small>[[boylam]]sal (|)</small>}}<ref>{{Haber kaynağı |ad1=Sigurd |soyadı1=Humerfelt |tarih=26 Ekim 2010 |başlık=How WGS 84 defines Earth |url=http://home.online.no/~sigurdhu/WGS84_Eng.html |erişimtarihi=29 Nisan 2011 | ölüurl = evet |arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110424104419/http://home.online.no/~sigurdhu/WGS84_Eng.html |arşivtarihi=24 Nisan 2011 |df=}}</ref>{{efn|Earth's [[circumference]] is almost exactly 40,000&nbsp;km because the metre was calibrated on this measurement—more specifically, 1/10-millionth of the distance between the poles and the equator.}}
| surface_area =
{{unbulletedMadde listişaretsiz liste |class=nowrap
| {{dönüştürme|510072000|km2|sqmi|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x| <small>(|)</small>}}<ref name="Pidwirny 2006_8">{{Web kaynağı | soyadı1 = Pidwirny | ad1 = Michael | tarih = 2 Şubat 2006 | başlık = Surface area of our planet covered by oceans and continents.(Table 8o-1) | yayıncı = University of British Columbia, Okanagan | url = http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/8o.html | erişimtarihi = 26 Kasım 2007 | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20040318124953/http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/8o.html | arşivtarihi = 18 Mart 2004}}</ref><ref name="cia">{{Web kaynağı | yazar = Staff | tarih = 24 Temmuz 2008 | url = https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/xx.html | başlık = World | eser = The World Factbook | yayıncı = Central Intelligence Agency | erişimtarihi = 5 Ağustos 2008 | arşivurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20070612212614/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/xx.html | arşivtarihi = 12 Haziran 2007}}</ref>{{efn|Due to natural fluctuations, ambiguities surrounding [[Ice shelf|ice shelves]], and mapping conventions for [[vertical datum]]s, exact values for land and ocean coverage are not meaningful. Based on data from the [[Vector Map]] and [http://www.landcover.org/ Global Landcover] {{Webarşiv|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150326085837/http://www.landcover.org/ |tarih=26 March 2015 }} datasets, extreme values for coverage of lakes and streams are 0.6% and 1.0% of Earth's surface. The ice shields of [[Antarctica]] and [[Greenland]] are counted as land, even though much of the rock that supports them lies below sea level.}}
| {{dönüştürme|148940000|km2|sqmi|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x| kara <small>(|; 29.2%)</small>}}
52. satır:
| rot_velocity = {{dönüştürme|1674.4|km/h|km/s km/h mph|order=out|comma=gaps|abbr=on|disp=x|<ref name="Cox2000">{{Kitap kaynağı |editör=Arthur N. Cox |başlık=Allen's Astrophysical Quantities |url=https://books.google.com/?id=w8PK2XFLLH8C&pg=PA244 |baskı=4th |tarih=2000 |yayıncı=AIP Press |konum=New York |isbn=978-0-387-98746-0 |sayfa=244 |erişimtarihi=17 Ağustos 2010}}</ref> <br /> <small>(|)</small>}}
| axial_tilt = {{val|23.4392811|u=°}}<ref name="IERS" />
| albedo = {{ublistMadde işaretsiz liste|class=nowrap |0.367 [[Geometrik albedo|geometrik]]<ref name="earth_fact_sheet" /> |0.306 [[Bond albedosu|Bond]]<ref name="earth_fact_sheet" />}}
| atmosphere = yes
| temp_name1 = [[Kelvin]]
68. satır:
| surface_pressure = {{val|101.325|ul=kPa}} ([[Deniz seviyesi|ODS]]'de)
| atmosphere_composition =
{{unbulletedMadde listişaretsiz liste |class=nowrap
| %78,08 [[azot]] ({{chem|N|2}}; kuru hava)<ref name="earth_fact_sheet" />
| %20,95 [[oksijen]] ({{chem|O|2}})
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