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'''Kudüs Günü''' ({{Dil|he|יום ירושלים|dil_adı=e}}, ''Yom Yeruşalayim''). [[Kudüs]]'ün ve [[Eski Şehir (Kudüs)]]'in İsrail tarafından [[6 Gün Savaşı]] sonrası alınmasını kutlayan [[Yahudi bayramları|İsrail milli bayramıdır]]. Devlet tarafından resmi olarak kutlama ve anma işlemleri için belirlenmiştir . İsrail dışında yaygın olarak kutlanılmamasına<ref name="bj">{{Web kaynağı |url=http://www.bethjacobrwc.org/yomyerushalyim.html |başlık=Arşivlenmiş kopya |erişimtarihi=5 Haziran 2016 |arşivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151207101607/http://www.bethjacobrwc.org/yomyerushalyim.html |arşivtarihi=7 Aralık 2015 |ölüurl=yes }}</ref> ve seküler İsrailliler tarafından değerini kaybetmesine rağmen<ref name="Feige2009">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Michael Feige|başlık=Settling in the Hearts: Jewish Fundamentalism in the Occupied Territories|bölüm=Space, Place, and Memory in Gush Emunim Ideology|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CG_R01oa780C&pg=PA56|yıl=2009|yayıncı=Wayne State University Press|isbn=0-8143-2750-8|sayfa=56|alıntı=Although part of Israeli secular calendar, it has lost almost all meaning for most Israelis. Attempts to revive the day for the Israeli general public have failed miserably.}}</ref><ref name="Benvenisti2007">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Meron Benvenisti|authorlinkyazarbağı=Meron Benvenisti|başlık=Son of the Cypresses: Memories, Reflections, and Regrets from a Political Life|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ygfujnZiLrwC&pg=PA91|yıl=2007|yayıncı=University of California Press|isbn=978-0-520-93001-8|sayfalar=91–92|bölüm=Jerusalemites|alıntı=It is an expression of Jewish antagonism and xenophobia, a chance to hold arcane ceremonies of allegiance and to nurture nationalistic and religious myths. As it grows more routine, the day is drowning in a deep yawn of boredom; perhaps it is no coincidence that the only secular groups that celebrate in the streets of Jerusalem – other than religious zealots on parade – are members of the "pioneer" communities, the kibbutzim and moshavim.}}</ref><ref name="Steinsaltz2011">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz|authorlinkyazarbağı=Adin Steinsaltz|başlık=Change & Renewal: The Essence of the Jewish Holidays, Festivals & Days of Remembrance|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=bUeMXyXa-44C&pg=PA289|yıl=2011|yayıncı=The Toby Press/KorenPub|isbn=978-1-59264-322-6|sayfa=289|bölüm=Jerusalem Day, Nowadays|alıntı=At its inception, Jerusalem Day was a glorious day. This feeling was to a great extent bound up with the Six Day War and its outcome, which for a while produced an exalted feeling of release from dread and anxiety to liberation, well-being, and greatness. Over the years, however, the aura of the day has dimmed.}}</ref> bu gün hala [[Dindar Siyonist]] gruplar tarafından<ref name="Etzioni-Halevy2002">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Eva Etzioni-Halevy|başlık=The Divided People: Can Israel's Breakup be Stopped?|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ee4hTKO0DTYC&pg=PA88|yıl=2002|yayıncı=Lexington Books|isbn=978-0-7391-0325-8|sayfa=88|alıntı=In the first years after the 1967 war, and the reunification of Jerusalem, this was a holiday for virtually all parts of the nation. [...] Today, as Jerusalem's symbolic value for many of the secular has been flagging, this transformation has been reflected also in the celebration of this day: fewer and fewer secular people still observe the occasion, and it has turned into a festive day of symbolic significance for the religious.}}</ref><ref name="Balint2001">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Judy Lash Balint|başlık=Jerusalem Diaries: In Tense Times|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Dxno8wNLIXEC&pg=PA176|yıl=2001|yayıncı=Gefen Publishing House Ltd|isbn=978-965-229-271-1|sayfa=176|alıntı=Today, the day commemorating the 34th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem was observed by a shrinking portion of the population. [...] Yom Yerushalayim was celebrated mainly by the national religious community. This was apparent at events all over the city. [...] Clearly a majority of those taking part were observant. This was the day of the knitted kipa. It seems that secular Israelis ave tired of expressions of nationalism.}}</ref> geçit törenleriyle ve sinagoglarda dua edilerek kutlanır. [[İsrail Hahambaşılığı]] bu günü [[Batı Duvarı]]'na erişimin sağlandığı için dini bir bayram ilan etmiştir.<ref name="bj"/><ref name="Berlin2011">{{Kitap kaynağı|yazar=Adele Berlin|başlık=The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=hKAaJXvUaUoC&pg=PA803|yıl=2011|yayıncı=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-973004-9|sayfa=803|bölüm=Yom Yerushalayim}}</ref><ref>https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/yomyerushalayim.html</ref>
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