Avusturya Bilimler Akademisi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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|web = {{URL|http://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/austrian-academy-of-sciences/}}
'''Avusturya Bilimler Akademisi''' ({{Dil|de|Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften}})<!-- isAvusturya aCumhuriyeti'nin legalözel entitykoruması underaltındaki thetüzel specialbir protection of the Republic of Austriakuruluştur. AccordingAkademi totüzüğüne thegöre statutesmisyonu, ofözellikle thetemel Academyaraştırmalarda, itsher missionaçıdan isve toher promotealanda the sciences and humanities in every respect and in every field,fen particularlyve insosyal fundamentalbilimleri researchtanıtmaktır.
==History Tarihi ==
In 1713, [[Gottfried Leibniz|Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]] suggested to establish an Academy, inspired by the [[Royal Society]] and the [[French Academy of Sciences|Académie des Sciences]]. The "Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien" was finally established by Imperial Patent on 14 May 1847. The academy soon began extensive research. In the [[humanities]] the academy started with researching and publishing important historical sources of Austria. Research in [[natural sciences]] also covered a wide variety of topics.