Üç Metin İhtilafı: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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1. satır:
'''Üç Metin İhtilafı''',<!-- aHalkedon phaseihtilafında inbir thesafhadır, [[ChalcedonianHenotikon]]'un controversybaşarısızlığını takiben, was an attempt to reconcile the [[Non-Chalcedonians]] of [[SyriaSuriye]]'nin ([[SyriacSüryani OrthodoxOrtodoks ChurchKilisesi]]) andve [[EgyptMısır]]'ın ([[CopticKıptî Ortodoks ChurchKilisesi]]) withHalkedon theolmayan inancını [[OrthodoxDoğu CatholicOrtodoks ChurchKilisesi]], followingile theuyumlu failurehale ofgetirme the [[Henotikon]]teşebbüsüdür. The ''ThreeÜç ChaptersMetin'' ({{langDil|grc|τρία κεφάλαια}}, ''tría kephálaia'') that Emperor [[JustinianI. IJustinianus]] tarafından [[anathemaAnathema sit|anathematize]]tized wereedilmiştir:
#[[Mopsuestialı Theodor]]'un kişiliği ve yazmaları
#The person and writings of [[Theodore of Mopsuestia]]
#Certain writings ofCyrrhuslu [[Theodoret]]'in ofbelirli Cyrusyazmaları
#[[Edessalı İbas]]'ın Maris'e yazdığı mektup
#The letter of [[Ibas of Edessa]] to Maris
At a very early stage of the controversy the incriminated writings themselves came to be spoken of as the ''Three Chapters''. In consequence those who refused to anathematize these writings were said to defend the Three Chapters, and accused of professing [[Nestorianism]]; and, vice versa, those who did anathematize them, were said to condemn the Three Chapters as [[heresy|heretical]].