Selanik'in Yağmalanması (904): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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{{Bizans-Arap Savaşları kutusu}}
'''Selanik'in Yağmalanması''' [[Sarazenler|Sarazen]] korsanlar tarafından 904 yılında Selanik şehrinin yağmalanmasıdır. 10. yüzyılda [[Bizans İmparatorluğu]]'nun yaşadığı en kötü felaketlerden biridir. İlk hedefi [[Konstantinopolis]] olan, İslam dinine dönmüş Yunanlı olan [[Trabluslu Leon]] komutasında Suriye'den gelen Müslüman filosu denize açıldı. Müslümanlar Konstantinopolis’e saldırmaktan caydı ve yerine [[Selanik]]’e dönmeleri [[Bizans donanması|donanması]] zamanında tepki veremeyen Bizans’ları şaşırttı. Şehrin iki komutanı birbiriyle çelişen emirler vermesi, özellikle de denize açılan şehir surlarında düzensizlik yarattı.
A Muslim fleet, led by the renegade [[Leo of Tripoli]], and with the imperial capital of [[Constantinople]] as its initial target, sailed from Syria. The Muslims were deterred from attacking Constantinople, and instead turned to Thessalonica, totally surprising the Byzantines, whose [[Byzantine navy|navy]] was unable to react in time. The city walls, especially towards the sea, were in disrepair, while the city's two commanders issued conflicting orders.
After a short siege, the Saracens were able to storm the seaward walls, overcome the Thessalonians' resistance and take the city on 29 July. The sacking continued for a full week, before the raiders departed for their bases in the [[Levant]], having freed 4,000 Muslim prisoners while capturing 60 ships,<ref>Faith and sword: a short history of Christian-Muslim conflict By Alan G. Jamieson, pg.32</ref> and gaining a large loot and 22,000 captives, mostly young people.<ref>cf. the account of [[John Kaminiates]]</ref> In the event, most of the captives, including [[John Kaminiates]], who chronicled the sack, were ransomed by the Empire and exchanged for Muslim captives.
== Kaynakça ==
* {{citation | title = John Kaminiates: The Capture of Thessaloniki | editor1-first = David | editor1-last = Frendo | editor2-first = Athanasios | editor2-last = Fotiou | publisher = Australian Association for Byzantine Studies | year = 2000 | location = Perth | isbn = 1-876503-00-9}}
* {{citation | last = Patoura | first = Sofia | script-title=el:Οι αιχμάλωτοι ως παράγοντες επικοινωνίας και πληροφόρησης (4ος-10ος αι.) | trans_title trans-title= Prisoners of War as Agents of Communication and Information (4th-10th C.) | publisher = National Research Foundation - Center for Byzantine Research | location = Athens | year = 1994 | language = Greek | isbn = 960-7094-42-5}}
* {{citation | title = A History of the Byzantine State and Society | last = Treadgold | first = Warren T. | authorlink = Warren Treadgold | year = 1997 | publisher = Stanford University Press | location = [[Stanford, CA]] | isbn = 0-8047-2630-2 | url = | page = 467}}
* {{citation | last = Vasiliev | first = A.A. | authorlink = Alexander Vasiliev (historian) | others = French ed.: [[Henri Grégoire (historian)|Henri Grégoire]], [[Marius Canard]] | title = Byzance et les Arabes, Tome II, 1ére partie: Les relations politiques de Byzance et des Arabes à L'époque de la dynastie macédonienne (867–959) | year = 1968 | location = Brussels | publisher = Éditions de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales | language= French | pages = 163–179}}