I. Mihail (Konstantinopolis patriği): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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47. satır:
IX. Leo, Patriğe, Bağış'ın fable ya da yaşlı kadın hikayesi değil,{{Kaynak belirt|tarih=Temmuz 2018}} tamamen gerçek olduğunu, kilisede sadece [[Petrus]]'un ardıl hakkında önceliğe sahip olduğunu iddia etti.
Papa IX. Leo'un bu mektubu hem Konstantinopolis Patriği Mihail Kirularios'a, hem de Bulgaristan (Ohri) Başpiskoposu Leon'a hitap ediyor ve Ohri Başpiskoposu Leon tarafından Trani Piskoposu (Apulia'da) İoannis'e gönderilen Kilisesinin gelenekleri Yunanlılardan farklı olan Latinlere kategorik olarak saldıran mektubuna yanıt olarak geldi. Özellikle eleştirilenler, Cumartesi Şabat günü oruç tutmanın ve mayasız ekmek kutsama töreninin Roma gelenekleriydi.
Mektubunda IX. Leo, tarihsel olarak sapkınlığın kaynağı olan Konstantinopolis'i suçladı ve Roma Piskoposluğunun Roma Konstantinopolisinin üslubunu, bunların hiçbirine sahip olamayacak şekilde, imparatorluk terimleriyle iddia etti.
This letter of Pope Leo IX was addressed both to Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, and [[Leo of Ohrid]], Archbishop of [[Bulgaria]], and was in response to a letter sent by [[Leo of Ohrid|Leo]], [[Archbishop of Ohrid|Metropolitan of Achrida]] to John, Bishop of [[Trani]] (in [[Apulia]]), that categorically attacked the customs of the Latin Church that differed from those of the Greeks. Especially criticized were the Roman traditions of fasting on the Saturday Sabbath and consecration of unleavened bread. Leo IX in his letter accused Constantinople of historically being the source of heresy and claimed in emphatic terms the [[Papal primacy|primacy]] of the Bishop of Rome over even the Patriarch of Constantinople, who would have none of it.
Leo IX in his letter accused Constantinople of historically being the source of heresy and claimed in emphatic terms the [[Papal primacy|primacy]] of the Bishop of Rome over even the Patriarch of Constantinople, who would have none of it.
It can be argued that in 1054, the Patriarch's letter to Pope Leo IX initiated the events which followed, because it claimed the title "ecumenical patriarch" and addressed Pope Leo as "brother" rather than "father." Pope Leo IX sent Cardinal Humbert of Silva Candida on a legatine mission to treat with the Patriarch. Cerularius refused to meet with Cardinal Humbert and kept him waiting with no audience for months.