I. Mihail (Konstantinopolis patriği): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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== Hayatı ==
Mihail Kirularios yaklaşık M.S.1000 yılında [[Konstantinopolis]]'te dünyaya geldi, küçük yaşta kilise hayatına katıldı.
Michael Cerularius was born in [[Constantinople]] around 1000 AD, being ordained into the Church from a young age. He is noted for disputing with Pope Leo IX over church practices in respect of which the Roman Church differed from Constantinople, especially the use of unleavened bread in the [[Eucharist]].<ref>[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10273a.htm Michael Cærularius] - [[Catholic Encyclopedia]] article</ref> Notable disagreements were also exchanged over other theological and cultural issues, ranging from the issue of [[papal supremacy]] in the Church to the ''[[filioque]]'' clause and other disagreements between the Patriarchates.
Pope [[Leo IX]] sent a letter to the Patriarch in 1054, that cited a large portion of the [[Donation of Constantine]] believing it genuine.<ref>Migne's ''Patrologia Latina'', Vol. 143 (cxliii), Col. 744-769. Also Mansi, ''Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova Amplissima Collectio'', Vol. 19 (xix) Col. 635-656.</ref>