Gregori (patrici): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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Yzkoc (mesaj | katkılar)
52. satır:
Eksarhlık, o zamanlar, başlıca Ortodoks Kalkedon inancına sahip nüfusla, Kalkedon inancıyla [[Monofizitizm]] arasında uzlaşma girişimi olup Herakleios tarafından 638 yılında geliştirilmiş ve ilerletilmiş [[Monotelitizm]] destekçileri arasında ki çatışma nedeniyle iç karışıklık içindi. Afrika'da Monotelitizm genellikle [[Mısır (Roma eyaleti)|Mısır]]'dan gelen mülteciler tarafından savunuluyordu.<ref name="DIR"/> Gerilimi azaltmak amacıyla Temmuz 645'te Gregory, Eksarhlığın başkenti [[Kartaca]]'da Kalkedon Günah Çıkartıcı Maximus ile Monotelit eski Konstantinopolis Patriği Pyrrhus arasında bir teolojik tartışmaya ev sahipliği yaptı. Gregory ikisi arasında bir uzlaşı sağlamaya yardımcı oldu ve Pyrrhus Kalkedon konumunu yeniden kabul etti.<ref name="ODB"/><ref name="DIR"/><ref name="PmbZ"/><ref name="PLRE"/> Ertesi birkaç ay boyunca, Afrika'daki birkaç yerel sinod, Monotelitizmi [[dalalet]] olarak kınamaya başladı.<ref name="ODB"/>
[[Dosya:Europe around 650.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Yaklaşık 650 yılında Akdeniz havzasının politik durumu.]]
[[Dosya:Europe around 650.jpg|thumb|right|250px|The Mediterranean world at the time of Gregory's rebellion{{Unreliable source|More than 100 years old publication, does not include results of any later research (e.g. incorrect boundaries of the Avar Khaganate and maybe also other incorrect/disputed information)|date=May 2015}}]]
In 646, Gregory launched a rebellion against Constans. The obvious reason was the latter's support for Monotheletism, but it undoubtedly was also a reaction to the [[Muslim conquest of Egypt]], and the threat it presented to Byzantine Africa.<ref name="ODB"/> Given the failure of the imperial government in Constantinople to stop the Muslim advance, it was, in the words of [[Charles Diehl]], "a great temptation for the powerful governor of Africa to secede from the feeble and remote empire that seemed incapable of defending its subjects". Doctrinal differences, as well as the long-established autonomy of the African exarchate, reinforced this tendency.<ref>Diehl (1896), pp. 554–556</ref> The Arab chronicler [[al-Tabari]] on the other hand claims that Gregory's revolt was provoked by a levy of 300 pounds of gold demanded by Constans.<ref name="PmbZ"/> Arab sources claim that after he was proclaimed emperor he minted coins with his own effigy, but none have so far been found.<ref name="PmbZ"/><ref name="Diehl557">Diehl (1896), p. 557</ref><ref>cf. {{cite journal | last = Guery | first = R. | chapter = Le pseudo-monnayage de l'usurpateur Grégoire, patrice d'Afrique. | journal = Bulletin de la societé francaise de numismatique | year = 1981 | pages = 66–68 | language = French}}</ref> It seems that both Maximus the Confessor and [[Pope Theodore I]] encouraged or at least supported Gregory in this venture. Thus the Pope supposedly sent an envoy to convey a dream by Maximus, according to which two rival choirs of angels shouted "Victory to Constantine [Constans] ''[[Augustus (honorific)|Augustus]]''" and "Victory to Gregory ''Augustus''", with the former gradually falling silent and the latter winning out.<ref name="ODB"/><ref name="PLRE"/><ref>Diehl (1896), pp. 556–557</ref> The revolt seems to have found broad support among the populace as well, not only among the Romanized Africans, but also among the [[Berbers]] of the interior.<ref name="Diehl557"/>