Tonisite: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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Mulazimoglu (mesaj | katkılar)
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Mulazimoglu (mesaj | katkılar)
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1. satır:
'''Tonisite''' ''efektif osmolarite'' veya ''efektif osmolalite'' nin bir ölçüsüdür. [[Osmolalite]] ve [[osmolarite]] partiküler bir solüsyonun membrandan bağımsız özellikleridir. Tonisite is a property of a solution in reference to a particular membrane, and is equal to the sum of the concentrations of the solutes which have the capacity to exert an osmotic force across that membrane.
[[Hipertonik]], [[hipotonik]] ve [[izotonik]] çözeltiler hücre içi sıvının tonisitesi ile dışardaki ortamın tonisitesinin farkı veya aynı olmasına göre ortaya çıkan terimlerdir.
[[Hypertonic]], [[hypotonic]] and [[isotonic]] solutions are defined in reference to a cell membrane by comparing the tonicity of the solution with the tonicity within the cell.
* If a cell is placed in a ''hypotonic'' solution (one of lower tonicity than the cell contents), the water concentration is greater outside the cell and so [[osmosis]] produces a net movement of water into the cell. This causes animal cells (without a cell wall) to burst and plant cells (which do have a cell wall) to become ''turgid''.
* If the medium is ''isotonic'', the water concentration is the same on either side of the cell membrane, and there is no net movement of water.
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