Şems-i Tebrîzî: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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[[Dosya:Shams ud-Din Tabriz 1502-1504 BNF Paris.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Şems-i Tebrizî, yaklaşık olarak 1503 yılında yapılmış bir minyatür. [[Rumi]]’nin şiiri olan "''[[Divan-ı Kebir]]''" den bir sayfa.]]
'''Şems-i Tebrîzî''' ({{dil-fa|شمس تبريزى}}) ya da tam adıyla '''Şemsüddîn Muhammed bin Alî bin Melikdâd Tebrîzî''' (1185-1248), <ref>http://www.yeniasya.com.tr/kultur-sanat/sems-i-tebrizi-nin-hayati-canladirilacak_331714</ref>[[İran Azerileri|İranlı Azerbaycan Türkü]]<ref>S. Lornejad and A. Doostzadeh, On the Modern Politicization of the Persian Poet Nezami Ganjavi, Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies, edited by Victoria Arakelova, Yerevan, 2012 In a poem from Rumi, the word buri is mentioned from the mouth of Shams Tabrizi by Rumi. Rumi translates the word in standard Persian as biyā (the imperative “come”). This word is also a native word of the Tabrizi Iranian dialect which is mentioned by Persian Sufi, Hafez Karbalaie in his work Rawdat al-Jenān. In the poem of Baba Taher, the word has come down as bura (come) and in the NW Iranian Tati dialects (also called Azari but should not be confused with the Turkish language of the same name) of Azerbaijan, in Harzandi Tati it is biri and in Karingani Tati it is bura (Kiya 1976). It should be noted that Shams Tabrizi was an Iranian Shafi‖ite Muslim like the bulk of the Iranian population of Azerbaijan during the preMongol and post-Mongol era.</ref><ref>Manouchehr Mortazavi. Zaban-e-Dirin Azerbaijan (On the Old language of Azerbaijan). Bonyat Moqoofaat Dr. Afshar. 2005(1384). منوچهر مرتضوی، زبان دیرین آذربایجان، بنیاد موقوفات دکتر افشار، 138۴. pg 49, see comments on the old language of Tabriz as well as [[Old Azari language]]</ref><ref>Claude Cahen, "Pre-Ottoman Turkey: a general survey of the material and spiritual culture and history, c. 1071-1330", Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968. pg 258: "He may also have met the great Persian mysitic Shams al-Din Tabrizi there, but it was only later that the full influence of this latter was to be exerted on him."</ref><ref>Everett Jenkins, "Volume 1 of The Muslim Diaspora The Muslim Diaspora: A Comprehensive Reference to the Spread of Islam in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, Everett Jenkins", McFarland, 1999. pg 212: "The Persian mystic Shams al-Din Tabrizi arrived in Konya (Asia Minor)". ISBN 0786404310, 9780786404315</ref><ref>Büyük Mahkeme, vol 5, p 114.meşhur İslam alimi geç birinci Tvghan Waleed Zaki göre yükseltti. Supra. Waleed Zaki Tvghan. Türk genel tarih girişi, İstanbul, 1946, C. 2, s 161</ref><ref>http://semsitebrizi.com/</ref><ref>http://www.kimkimdir.gen.tr/kimkimdir.php?id=2834</ref> İslam alimi ve mutasavvıf. [[Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî]]'nin gönül dünyasında büyük değişikliklere sebep olan ve Mevlânâ tarafından yazılan ilâhî aşk [[şiir]]lerinden oluşan ''"[[Divan-ı Şems-i Tebrizi|Dîvân-ı Şems-î Tebrîzî]]"'' adındaki [[manzum|nazım]] eser sayesinde tanınan çok kuvvetli bir din âlimidir.