Câbir bin Hayyân: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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1. satır:
{{Yazar bilgi kutusu
| adı = Ebu Musa Câbir bin HayyânHayvân<br />
 ابو موسی جابربن حیان
| resim = Jabir ibn Hayyan.jpg
6. satır:
| başlık = Avrupa'da çizilmiş "Geber" ''(15. yüzyıl)'', Codici Ashburnhamiani 1166, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence
| takma_adı =
| doğum_adı = Cābir ibn HayyānHayvān
|doğum_tarihi = 721/722
|doğum_yeri = [[Horasan (İran)|Horasan]], [[İran]]
16. satır:
| dini = [[İslam]] ([[Şiilik]])
| fikir = [[Sûfilik]]
| meslek = [[Fen]], [[Simya]], [[Eczacılık]], [[MetalürjiSikis]], [[Astroloji]], [[Felsefe]], [[Fizik]] ve [[Müzik]]
| milliyet = [[Arap]]<ref name="EI2">{{Cite encyclopedia | edition = 2nd| publisher = Brill Academic Publishers| volume = 2| pages = 357–359| last = Kraus| first = P.| title = Djābir B. Ḥayyān| encyclopedia = Encyclopaedia of Islam| year = 1962 |quote=As for Djābir's historic personality, Holmyard has suggested that his father was "a certain Azdī called Hayyan, druggist of Kufa... mentioned... in connection with the political machinations that were used by many people, in the eighth century, finally resulted in the overthrow of the Umayyad dynasty.}}</ref><ref>Holmyard, Eric John, "Introduction" to ''The Works of Geber'', translated by Richard Russell (London: Dent, 1928), p. vii: "Abu Musa Jabir ibn HayyanHayvan, generally known merely as Jabir, was the son of a druggist belonging to the famous South Arabian tribe of Al-[[Azd]]. Members of this tribe had settled at the town of Kufa, in Iraq, shortly after the Muhammadan conquest in the seventh century A.D., and it was in Kufa that Hayyan the druggist lived."</ref> veya [[Horasan]]î / [[Fars]]î<ref name="William">
* William R. Newman, Gehennical Fire: The Lives of George Starkey, an American Alchemist in the Scientific Revolution, Harvard University Press, 1994. p.94: "According to traditional bio-bibliography of Muslims, Jabir ibn Hayyan was a Persian alchemist who lived at some time in the eight century and wrote a wealth of books on virtually every aspect of natural philosophy"
* William R. Newman, The Occult and Manifest Among the Alchemist, in F. J. Ragep, Sally P Ragep, Steven John Livesey, Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Proceedings of Two Conferences on pre-Modern science held at University of Oklahoma, Brill, 1996/1997, p.178: "This language of extracting the hidden nature formed an important lemma for the extensive corpus associated with the Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan"
* Henry Corbin, "The Voyage and the Messenger: Iran and Philosophy", Translated by Joseph H. Rowe, North Atlantic Books, 1998. p.45: "The Nisba al-Azdin certainly does not necessarily indicate Arab origin. Geber seems to have been a client (mawla) of the Azd tribe established in Kufa"
* Tamara M. Green, "The City of the Moon God: Religious Traditions of Harran (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World)", Brill, 1992. p.177: "His most famous student was the Persian *Jabir ibn HayyanHayvan (b. circa 721 C.E.), under whose name the vast corpus of alchemical writing circulated in the medieval period in both the east and west, although many of the works attributed to Jabir have been demonstrated to be likely product of later Ismaili' tradition."
* David Gordon White, "The Alchemical Body: Siddha Traditions in Medieval India", University of Chicago Press, 1996. p.447
* William R. Newman, Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature, University of Chicago Press, 2004. p.181: "The corpus ascribed to the eight-century Persian sage Jabir ibn Hayyan.."
* Wilbur Applebaum, The Scientific revolution and the foundation of modern science, Greenwood Press, 1995. p.44: "The chief source of Arabic alchemy was associated with the name, in its Latinized form, of Geber, an eighth-century Persian."
* Neil Kamil, Fortress of the Soul: Violence, Metaphysics, and Material Life in the Huguenots New World, 1517–1751 (Early America: History, Context, Culture), JHU Press, 2005. p.182: "The ninth-century Persian alchemist Jabir ibn HayyanHayvan, also known as Geber, is accurately called pseudo-Geber since most of the works published under this name in the West were forgeries"
* Aleksandr Sergeevich Povarennykh, Crystal Chemical Classification of Minerals, Plenum Press, 1972, v.1, ISBN 0-306-30348-5, p.4: "The first to give separate consideration to minerals and other inorganic substances were the following: The Persian alchemist Jabir (721–815)..."
* George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, Pub. for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, by the Williams & Wilkins Company, 1931, vol.2 pt.1, page 1044: "Was Geber, as the name would imply, the Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Haiyan?"
* Dan Merkur, in The psychoanalytic study of society (eds. Bryce Boyer, et al.), vol. 18, Routledge, ISBN 0-88163-161-2, page 352: "I would note that the Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan developed the theory that all metals consist of different 'balances' ..."
* Anthony Gross, The Dissolution of the Lancastrian Kingship: Sir John Fortescue and the Crisis of Monarchy in Fifteenth-century England, Paul
* Watkins, 1996, ISBN 1-871615-90-9, p.19: "Ever since the Seventy Books attributed to the Persian alchemist Jabir Ibn HayyanHayvan had been translated into Latin ...."</ref>
| vatandaşlık =
| köken =
36. satır:
| tür =
| konu =
| akım = [[Felsefe]], [[Sufi]]lik, [[Matematik]], [[Astroloji]], [[Astronomi]], [[FizikSex]], [[Kimya]] ve [[Ecza]]
| ilk_eser = Kitâb ûl-Kimyâ<br /><br />'''<u>Diğer meşhûr icâdları ve eserleri:</u>''' <br /> [[SitrikSikik asit]], [[Asetik asit]], [[Tartarik asit]] <br /> [[Eczacılık]], [[Metalürji]], [[Felsefe]], [[Fizik]] ve [[Müzik]] gibi geniş alanda 400 ü aşan eser
| etkilendikleri = [[İmâm Câʿfer es-Sâdık]]
| etkiledikleri = [[Z'ûl-Nûn el-Mısrî|Zû’l-Nûn el-Mısrî]], [[Kindî]]
45. satır:
| dipnot =
'''Ebû Mûsa Câbir bin HayyânHayvân''' ({{lang-ar|ابو موسی جابربن حیان}}, [[Latince]]: "Geber" ya da "Geberus"; ''(al-Barigi Kabilesi / al-Azdi / al-Kufi / al-Tusi / al-[[Sufi]])''<ref name="Nasr">S.N. Nasr, "Life Sciences, Alchemy and Medicine", The Cambridge History of Iran, Cambridge, Volume 4, 1975, p. 412: "Jabir is entitled in the traditional sources as al-Azdi, al-Kufi, al-Tusi, al-Sufi. There is a debate as to whether he was an Arab from Kufa who lived in Khurasan or a Persian from Khorasan who later went to Kufa or whether he was, as some have suggested, of Syrian origin and later lived in Persia and Iraq".</ref>, (doğum: 721, [[Tus, İran]], [[Horasan]]; ölüm: 815, [[Kufe]], [[Irak]])<ref name="britannica.com">{{Web kaynağı | url = http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9043128/Abu-Musa-Jabir-ibn-Hayyan | başlık = Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan | yayıncı = Encyclopædia Britannica Online | erişimtarihi = 11 February 2008 | arşivurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20080508163842/http://www.britannica.com:80/eb/article-9043128/Abu-Musa-Jabir-ibn-Hayyan#261644.toc | arşivtarihi = 8 Mayıs 2008}}</ref> Batıda daha ziyâde '''Geber''' olarak tanınan, [[Abbâsîler]] döneminde yaşamış ve [[İslâmiyet]]'te [[fen bilimleri]]nin temelini atmış olan [[Farsî]] çok yönlü bir [[fen]] [[bilgin]]i; [[simyacı]], [[kimyacı]] ve [[eczacı]]; [[fizikçi]], [[astronom]] ve [[astrolog]]; [[tıp]] ve [[fizik tedavi]] [[uzman]]ı; [[mühendis]], [[coğrafyacı]], [[filozof]] ve [[sûfi]].