Yeni Ordu (İngiltere): Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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58. satır:
{{Ana madde|İrlanda'nın Cromwell tarafından fethi}}
1649 yılı 15 Ağustos günü Yeni Ordu İrlanda'ya ayak basarak fetih harekâtını başlatır. Yeni Ordu daha önce de İrşanda'da savaşmıştı ancak bu kez işgal birliği ölçeği çok büyüktür. İrlanda seferlerinin zorluğu yüzünden askerler arasında yaşanan huzursuzluk sefere katılacak askerlerin kurayla belirlenmesine yol açmıştır.
Later that year, on 15 August 1649, the New Model Army landed in Ireland to start the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland. The soldiers in this expeditionary force were not the first New Model soldiers to fight in Ireland (many hundreds had fought in the major battles of previous years) but the scale of the 1649 deployment far exceeded all earlier efforts. Many soldiers were reluctant to serve in this campaign, as Ireland had a bad reputation amongst English soldiers, and regiments had to draw lots to decide who would go on the expedition.
İrlanda'da Yeni Ordunun karşısındaki ahenkten uzak monarşi yanlısı ve Katolik ağırlıklı koalisyon askei açıdan iyi durumda değildir. Önceki mağlubiyetlerden morali bozulan askerler ilk fırsatta safları terk etmeye hazırlanır konumdadır. Ancak buna rağmen dini inançlarının baskı altında olduğunu hisseden ve torpaklarına el konulan yerel İrlandalılardan oluşan milisler direnişe devam etmekte kararlıdır. Özellikle bu birlikler nedeniyle Yeni Ordu askeri başarı kazansa da yüksek kayıplar vermiştir. Özellikle bazı kuşatmalarda<ref>Örneğin Clonmel, Limerick, Waterford, Galway ve Charlemont Kuşatmaları</ref> ağır kayıplar veren Yeni Ordu birlikleri soğuk ve salgın hastalıklardan da zayıflamıştır. İrlandalılar savaş sırasında [[gerilla]] taktiklerini de kullanmış, erzak ikmal hatlarına ve erzak depolarına saldırılar gerçekleştirmiştir. Yeni Ordu bu saldırılara cevaben bazı köyleri boşaltmaya kalkınca nüfus içinde yaygın olarak kıtlık yaşanmıştır. Toplamda İrlanda'da 1649-1653 yılları arasında 43 bin İngiliz askerinin yanısıra 9 bin İrlandalı Protestan savaşmıştır. Savaşın ardından 12 bin askere İrlandalı Katoliklerden alınan ve el konulan topraklar verilmiştir. Bazıları bu haklarını yerel İrlandalılara satacak yaklaşık 7 bin dolayında asker ise İrlanda'ya yerleşecektir.
The politically and religiously disunited Royalist and Catholic coalition they met in Ireland were at a major disadvantage against the New Model Army. After the shock defeats at Rathmines and Drogheda many of the Royalist soldiers opposing the Parliamentarian forces became demoralised, melting away at the first opportunity. The Scottish Royalist army in Ulster was badly weakened by desertion before the battle of Lisnagarvey for example.
However, resistance by some of the native Irish Catholic forces, who were faced with land confiscations and suppression of their religion in the event of a Parliamentarian conquest, proved stubborn and protracted. Some units, notably the veteran Ulster Confederate Catholic forces, proved resilient enemies. As a result, the New Model soldiers suffered considerably in the campaign. After victories with few Parliamentary casualties at Drogheda and Wexford in 1649, the fighting became more protracted and casualties began to mount.
At Kilkenny, in March 1650, the town's defenders skilfully beat back numerous Parliamentarian assaults before being forced to surrender.[24] Shortly afterwards, about 2,000 soldiers of the New Model died in abortive assaults against a breach defended by veteran Ulstermen in the siege of Clonmel. These bloody scenes were repeated during the Siege of Charlemont fort later that year. Thousands more died of disease, particularly in the long sieges of Limerick, Waterford and Galway.
The Army was also constantly at risk of attack by Irish guerrillas or "tories", who attacked vulnerable garrisons and supply columns. The New Model responded to this threat with forced evictions of the civilian population from certain areas and by destroying food supplies. These tactics caused a widespread famine throughout the country from 1650 onwards.
See also: Plantations of Ireland#Cromwellian land confiscation
Overall, around 43,000 English soldiers fought in the Parliamentarian army in Ireland between 1649 and 1653, in addition to some 9,000 Irish Protestants.[25] By the end of the campaign in 1653, much of the Army's wages were still in arrears. About 12,000 veterans were awarded land confiscated from Irish Catholics in lieu of pay. Many soldiers sold these land grants to other Protestant settlers, but about 7,500 of them settled in Ireland. They were required to keep their weapons to act as a reserve in case of any future rebellions in the country.