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Cekli829 (mesaj | katkılar)
k tarafından yapılan değişiklikler geri alınarak, tarafından değiştirilmiş önceki sürüm geri getirildi.
56. satır:
Anlamsızlığın insan yaşamındaki yıkıcı etkileri de bu "anlamsızlık" sorunu ile paralel olacaktır. Nitekim Albert Camus, yaşamın temel sorununu intihar olarak göstererek [[Sisifos Söyleni (kitap)|Sisifos Söyleni]] adlı yapıtında: "Felsefenin gerçekten ciddi olan yegâne sorunu intihardır." demiştir. Bu düşünceye karşı olarak, insan yaşamında rastlanılan yıkıcı sonuçların birçok biçimiyle yüzleşmekAlthough "prescriptions" against the possibly deleterious consequences of these kinds of encounters vary, from Kierkegaard's religious "stage" to Camus' insistence on persevering in spite of absurdity, the concern with helping people avoid living their lives in ways that put them in the perpetual danger of having everything meaningful break down is common to most existentialist philosophers. The possibility of having everything meaningful break down poses a threat of [[quietism]], which is inherently against the existentialist philosophy.<ref>{{Web kaynağı|author=Jean-Paul Sartre |url= |title=Existentialism is a Humanism, Jean-Paul Sartre 1946 | |date= |accessdate=2010-03-08}}</ref> It has been said that the possibility of suicide makes all humans existentialists.<ref>{{Cite document|title=Suicide and Self-Deception|author=E Keen|publisher=Psychoanalytic Review|date=1973|url=|postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->}}</ref>
=== Facticity === cidden oluyoo laya .d
Facticity is a concept defined by Sartre in ''[[Being and Nothingness]]'' as that "[[being-in-itself|in-itself]]" of which humans are in the mode of not being. This can be more easily understood when considering it in relation to the temporal dimension of past: One's past is what one is in the sense that it co-constitutes oneself. However, to say that one is only one's past would be to ignore a large part of reality (the present and the future), while saying that one's past is only what one was would entirely detach it from them now. A denial of one's own concrete past constitutes an inauthentic lifestyle, and the same goes for all other kinds of facticity (having a body (e.g. one that doesn't allow a person to run faster than the speed of sound), identity, values, etc.).
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