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3. satır:
[[Dosya:Radjpjp3.jpg|sağ|thumbnail|250px|James H. Pierce ve Joan Burroughs Pierce starred in the 1932-34 ''Tarzan'' radio series]]
'''Tarzan''' [[Edgar Rice Burroughs]] tarafından yaratılmış bir öykü karakteridir. İlk olarak [[1912]]'de '''Maymunların Tarzanı''' adlı romanla ortaya çıkmış ve daha sonra 23 devamı daha yazılmıştır. Tarzan gemideki isyancılar tarafından [[Afrika]] sahillerinde ıssız bir bölgeye bırakılmış İngiliz bir Lord ve Lady'nin oğullarıdır. O henüz bebek iken anne ve babası ölmüş ve onu bilimsel olarak tanımlanmamış bir [[maymun]] türünün üyeleri yetiştirmiştir. Kala onun maymun annesidir. Tarzan (beyaz adam) onun maymun alemi ismidir; [[İngilizce]] ismi ise Clayton, Lord Greystoke'dur. Genç bir adam olduğunda, Jane ile tanışır, ve Jane [[Baltimore, Maryland|Baltimore]]'ye döndüğünde gerçek aşkını bulmak için ormanı terkeder. Tarzan ve Jane evlenirler, ve bir süre [[İngiltere]]de yaşarlar. Bir oğulları, Jack, olur ve bir maymun ismi olan Korak adını alır. Tarzan uygarlığın ikiyüzlülüğü karşısında dayanamaz ve Jane'le birlikte Afrikaya dönerler ve orada ölümsüzlüğe erişerek halen yaşarlar.
== Edebiyat ==
Tarzan dünyadaki en çok bilinen edebi karakterlerden birisidir. Burrough'a ait iki düzineden fazla kitap haricinde Tarzan karakteri [[film]]ler, [[radyo]], [[televizyon]] programları, [[çizgi dizi]]ler, ve [[çizgi roman]]larda boy gösterdi. Bir çokBirçok parodiye konu oldu ve de korsan yayınları da görüldü.
[[Bilim kurgu]] yazarı [[Philip José Farmer]] ''Tarzan Alive!'''ı yazmış ve bu eserde onun gerçek bir kişi olduğunu kısa öykülerle onun biyografisi şeklinde anlatmıştır.
''Tarzan of the Apes'''in telif hakları birleşik devletlerde sona ermiş ve kamu malı olmuş olsa da , TARZAN adı halen [[Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.]]'in bir markası olarak hakları saklıdır.
=== Critical reception ===
[[Dosya:Harikalar_Diyari_Tarzan_06014_nevitHarikalar Diyari Tarzan 06014 nevit.jpg|thumbnail]]
''Tarzan of the Apes'' başarılı eleştiriler almış olsa da, serinin bazı kitapları olumsuz eleştiriler de almıştır. Eleştirilerin ana noktası bunların türemiş olması ve basmakalıp ifadelerden oluşmasıdır.
Eleştirilere rağmen, Tarzan hikâyeleri çok popüler olmuştur. Hayranları anlatılan melodramatik durumlardan ve özellikle maymunlara konuşmak için ortaya koyduğu dil'den çok etkilenmişlerdir.
Satır 50 ⟶ 49:
====Pirated Tarzan brochures in Israel====
In [[Israel]] in the 1950s and early 1960s there was a thriving industry of locally-produced Tarzan adventures published weekly in 24-page brochures by several competing publishing houses, none of which bothered to get any authorization from the Burroughs estate. The stories featured Tarzan in contemporary Africa, a popular theme being his fighting against the [[Mau Mau]] in 1950s [[Kenya]] and single-handedly crushing their revolt several times over. He also fought a great variety of monsters, [[vampires]] and invaders from outer space infesting the African jungles, and discovered several more lost cities and cultures in addition to the ones depicted in the Burroughs canon. Some brochures had him meet with Israelis and take Israel's side against her [[Arab]] enemies, especially [[Nasser]]'s [[Egypt]].
None of the brochures ever bore a writer's name, and the various publishers - "Elephant Publishing" ([[Hebrew language|Hebrew]]: הוצאת הפיל), "Rhino Publishing" ([[Hebrew language|Hebrew]]: הוצאת הקרנף) and several similar names - provided no more of an address than POB numbers in [[Tel Aviv]] and [[Jerusalem]]. Unconfirmed rumor has it that some later well-known Israeli writers began their careers with writing pirated Tarzan stories. These Tarzan brochures were extremely popular among Israeli youths of the time, successfully competing with the numerous Hebrew translations of the original Tarzan novels, and are recalled with nostalgia by many Israelis now in their fifties. The Tarzan brochures faded out by the middle 1960s, surviving copies at present fetching high prices as collectors' items in the Israeli used-book market. Researcher [[Eli Eshed]] has spent considerable time and effort on the Tarzan brochures and other Israeli [[pulp magazines]] and paperbacks. See: [http://www.violetbooks.com/tarzan-israel.html],
[http://www.violetbooks.com/REVIEWS/tarzan-holyland.html] - and [http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=209150&contrassID=2&subContrassID=12&sbSubContrassID=0] (Hebrew website with cover of "Tarzan's War Against the Germans").
The popularity of Tarzan in Israel had some effect on the spoken Hebrew language. As it happens, "tarzan" ([[Hebrew language|Hebrew]]: טרזן) is a long-established Hebrew word, translatable as "dandy, fop, coxcomb" (according to R. Alcalay's ''Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary'' of 1990). However, a word could not survive with that meaning while being identical with the name of a popular fictional character usually depicted as wearing a loincloth and jumping from tree to tree in the jungle. Since the 1950s the word in its original meaning has completely disappeared from the spoken language, and is virtually unknown to Hebrew speakers at present - though still duly appearing in dictionaries.
Satır 125 ⟶ 124:
===Comic strips===
''Tarzan of the Apes'' was the first novel to be adapted in newspaper strip form, in early 1929, with illustrations by [[Hal Foster]]. A [[full page]] [[Sunday strip]] began [[March 15]] [[1931]] by Rex Maxon.
Over the years, many artists have drawn the ''Tarzan'' comic strip, notably [[Burne Hogarth]], [[Russ Manning]], and [[Mike Grell]]. The daily strip began to reprint old dailies after the last Russ Manning daily (#10,308, which ran on [[29 July]], [[1972]]). The Sunday strip also turned to reprints circa 2000. Both strips continue as reprints today in a few newspapers and in ''[[Comics Revue]]'' magazine. [[NBM Publishing]] did a high quality reprint series of the Foster and Hogarth work on Tarzan in a series of hardback and paperback reprints in the 1990s.
Satır 336 ⟶ 335:
==Actors portraying Tarzan==
A number of actors have played Tarzan over the years, with the most famous and longest-lasting being [[Johnny Weissmuller]], a [[Danube Swabian]] born in [[Austro-Hungary]] (in a town now in [[Romania]]), who came with his parents to the [[Amerika Birleşik Devletleri|Birleşik Devletler]].
Due to complex licensing issues relating to Tarzan, several Tarzan movie series actually overlapped. For example, Buster Crabbe, Herman Brix and Glenn Morris all made Tarzan films concurrently with the 1932-1948 Weismuller series. Mike Henry played Tarzan in three theatrical releases that came out concurrently with Ron Ely's TV series, though all three had been filmed before the series debuted. (Henry had been approached to star in the TV series but had declined.)
===In the movies (adult)===
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