Nansen Uluslararası Mülteciler Ofisi: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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'''Nansen Uluslararası Mülteciler Ofisi''' ({{lang-fr|Office International Nansen pour les Réfugiés}}), 1930-1939 yıllarında savaş alanlarındaki mültecilerle ilgilenen, [[Fridtjof Nansen]]'in ismine atfen kurulmuş bir [[Milletler Cemiyeti]] organizasyonudur. Kuruluş, vatansız insanların ülkeler arasında seyahat etmesine izin veren [[Nansen pasaportu]]'nu geliştirdi. Organizasyon 1938 yılında [[Nobel Barış Ödülü]] almıştır.<ref>{{web kaynağı | url= | başlık=Nobel sitesi | erişimtarihi=07 Şubat 2013}}</ref>.<ref>{{web kaynağı | | başlık=Arkivverket | erişimtarihi=07 Şubat 2013}}</ref>
== Kaynakça ==
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== Bibliyografi ==
* Adams, Walter, «Extent and Nature of the World Refugee Problem», The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 203 (May 1939) 26-36.
* Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Paris, Nansen Office for Refugees, 1938.
* Hansson, Michael, The Refugee Problem. London, League of Nations Union, 1938.
* Hansson, Michael, The Refugee Problem and the League of Nations. Conference held at the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Oslo, January 7, 1938. Geneva, 1938.
* Macartney, Carlile A., Refugees: The Work of the League. London, 1930.
* Nansen, Fridtjof, «Armenian Refugees», League of Nations Document C. 237. 1924.
* Nansen, Fridtjof, «Russian Refugees: General Report on the Work Accomplished up to March 15, 1922», League of Nations Document C. 124. M. 74. 1922.
* Nansen International Office for Refugees. Report by the Governing Body to the Twelfth Assembly of League of Nations [A.27. 1931.] See also Report by M. Michael Hansson, Former President of the Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, on the Activities of the Office from July 1 to December 31, 1938. [A. 19. 1939. xii] (1939. xii. B.2).
* Simpson, Sir John Hope, The Refugee Problem: Report of a Survey. London, 1939.
* «Statutes of Nansen International Office for Refugees as Approved by the Council on January 19th, 1931», League of Nations, Official Journal, February 1931, pp.&nbsp;309–311.