Latin İmparatorluğu: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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183. satır:
After the disastrous Epirote defeat by the Bulgarians at the [[Battle of Klokotnitsa]], the Epirote threat to the Latin Empire was removed, only to be replaced by Nicaea, which started acquiring territories in Greece. Emperor [[John III Doukas Vatatzes]] of Nicaea concluded an alliance with Bulgaria, which in 1235 resulted in joint campaign against the Latin Empire, and an unsuccessful [[Siege of Constantinople (1235)|siege of Constantinople]] the same year. In 1237, [[Baldwin II of Constantinople|Baldwin II]] attained majority and took over the reins of a much-diminished state. The Empire's precarious situation forced him to travel often to Western Europe seeking aid, but largely without success. In order to gain money, he was forced to resort to desperate means, from removing the lead roofs of the [[Great Palace of Constantinople|Great Palace]] and selling them, to handing over his only son, Philip, to Venetian merchants as a guarantee for a loan.
== Latin İmparatorluğu'nun sonu ==
"Gökler verdi, gökler aldı."
Satır 192 ⟶ 191:
Un second siège de Constantinople a lieu en juillet [[1261]] : [[Michel VIII Paléologue|Michel Paléologue]] vainc Guillaume de Villehardouin à la [[Bataille de Pélagonia]], au cours de l'automne 1259 ; celui-ci doit alors lui céder les principales forteresses de [[Péloponnèse|Morée]]. Le 25 juillet 1261, le général Alexios Stratigopoulos entre dans Constantinople : ayant fui le [[palais des Blachernes]] pour le [[palais de Boucoléon]], le jeune empereur Baudouin II s'enfuit à [[Thèbes (Grèce)|Thèbes]] puis dans les [[Pouilles]], avant de parvenir en [[France]] en [[1262]].
== Latin İmparatorluğu imparatorlar listesi:1204–1261 ==
* [[Konstantinopolisli I. Baodouin|I. Baodouin]] (1204–1205)
Satır 201 ⟶ 199:
* [[Konstantinopolisli II. Baodouin|II. Baodouin]] (1228–1261), tac giyme 1240, ölüm 1273, , Peter ve Yolanda'nin diğer oğlu. Naible birlikte
** [[John de Brienne]], imparatorluk naibi (1229–1237), kayınbabası
[[Kategori:Latin İmparatorluğu| ]]