


As Korean studying linguistic, the classification of korean as "altaic" or "ural-altaic" is a joke or?? The official linguistic view is that the Korean language is part of the Koreanic family. The Koreanic family is isolated. Several theories are existing but not any has a widely accepted view. The altaic theory is seen as obsolete/very dusputed. Korean should be classificated as isolated.

Main theories are: 1.) Isolated(accepted by most linguists worldwide) 2.) Paleosiberian 3.) Dravido-Korean 4.) macro-tungusic(include tungusic and koreanic) 4.) altaic(obsolete) 5.) koreanic-japonic(+ainu)

The Altaic family is not even prooven to be genetically related. If we compare the proto-languages of turkic and mongolic we see more differents that today. This show that the similarities are because of language contact and influence from each other.

I have already seen and heard that the teaching in turkey is miserable and this is not acceptable. It is not acceptable that the (insane) politic turanism is corrupting the turkish wikipedia. I hope that intellectual turkish people will repair wikipedia from thies corrupted parts. But the politic situation in today turkes is worsening and worsening...

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